I like you

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Jungkook Pov

I was sitting in a cafe with Irene. She was happily talking about her trip to Spain as she was drinking coffee. I tried to listen but my mind kept wandering off to other things. I was wondering how Taehyung was doing and if Jin was secretly mad at me for not eating lunch with them. So I nodded in respons to most of the things she said. She seemed to have noticed it.

"Jungkook?" she asked.

"Yeah?" I asked as I shook all of the thoughs out of my head.

"Are you listening?" she asked.

"Yeah, of course." I lied.

"It doesn't seem like it" she answered as she took the last sip of her coffee.

"I'll go home now" she said as she stood up and grabbed her bag.

I went after her out of the cafe and grabbed her hand.

"Wait! Why are you going so soon?" I asked.

"You have been so distant today and I just feel like we should talk tomorrow instead" she answered as she looked away.

I could clearly see that she wanted to leave so I let go of her hand. I kissed her and she walked around the corner. I sighed and put my hands in my pockets. I was being kind of an asshole today. My girlfriend came back from Spain and I hadn't seen her for a long time. All I did was be distant.

I walked home and laid down on my bed. I decided to text her.

Jungkook - I'm sorry for earlier. I admit that I was being distant today.

Irene - It's fine Jungkook. Don't beat yourself up for it. Sleep well! ♡

Jungkook - Goodnight ♡

I put down my phone and fell asleep.

The next day I woke up and got ready for school. Irene met me outside of my apartment.

"Goodmorning" she said and smiled.

"Morning" I said and kissed her.

We walked holding hands all the way to school. We had out lockers next to each other so we walked to the same place. I took out all of my books for class and put in my bag. We started walking to the classroom. When we passed Taehyung's classroom I looked in. He was sitting and studying whilst listening to music. He looked like he hadn't slept at all. I was going to walk in to talk to him but the bell rang. I walked into my classroom, meeting my friends and apologising for the day before.

That lesson went by quickly and lunch came around. I walked out with Irene and she sat with me and my friends by the usual table. I saw Taehyung sitting further away in the cafeteria. He was sitting alone, only looking at his food before he took out his books to study again. My heart hurt looking at him like that. But I couldn't leave right now since I had promised to sit with them.

During the next lesson I left the classroom to go to the bathroom. I walked through the corridor and looked into the classroom where Taehyung were. But he wasn't in his seat and all of the students were standing in a circle. I panicked and opened the door. Pushing myself though the circle I saw Taehyung, on the floor with bruises and cuts all over him. Jimin over him, yelling at Taehyung. I quickly ran up to them and pushed Jimin off harshly.

"What the fuck dude!?" Jimin said angrily looking at me.

"Why are you hurting Taehyung!?" I said even angrier.

"That little weak boy? Well he is nothing but trash and he deserves to be treated like it." Jimin said as he looked over at Taehyung who was now in my arms crying.

"You're a fucking asshole Jimin. Never speak to me again and don't fucking touch Taehyung ever again!" I said angrily as everyone in the room got shocked.

I helped Taehyung up and we walked out. I held his hand as we walked to the nurse. She wasn't there so I told him to sit down and I got the first-aid kit. When I came back he was sitting down while looking at his hands that were bleeding. His glasses were completely broken and he couldn't see anything through his tears. I started cleaning his cuts.

"Jungkook... I'm scared" he said clenching his fists.

"Don't be. I'll protect you Tae... I promise you." I said as I tried not to cry.

I felt like I was going to break down too. Just seeing him like that made my heart shatter into thousands of pieces. I could hear his quiet sobs. I stood up and hugged him. He hugged me back instantly.

"I'm so weak... I shouldn't need to be protected..." he said.

"Don't say that. You are not weak! And now you've suffered enough. It'll stop. I'll make sure of it." I said as I hugged him even closer.

"Jungkook?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"I like you" he confessed.

I got really shocked and looked into his eyes. His now dark brown eyes were so mesmerizing but he looked worried. My heart that was beating fast was an obvious sign that I had fallen for him. More than I had ever fell for anyone ever. I kept looking into his eyes as I put my hand on his cold cheek. Both of us starting to move closer. Feeling his breath on my lips and soon we kissed. That's when I knew that this is what I wanted.

"Tae?" I asked.

"Yeah?" he answered.

"I like you too" I said.

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