A breath of fresh air

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Jungkook Pov

As soon as we got in the car Taehyung fell asleep. He must be exhausted after a day like this. I'm so glad that it went well. Now he can finally be relaxed and me too since I won't need to worry. Once we reached his house I woke him up.

"Tae, we are at your house." I told him calmly since I didn't want to seem annoying.

"What? Did I fall asleep?" he asked, confused in his tired voice.

"Yeah, as soon as we got in the car." I answered and smiled.

"Could you stay here with me? My dad comes home tomorrow and I just don't want to be alone until then." he asked.

"Of course" I responded.

We got out of the car and walked into the house. After I locked the door, we walked upstairs and he crashed onto the bed. I smiled to myself and laid down next to him. He had already fallen asleep so I just hugged him and fell asleep as well.

The next morning we needed to get to school. Taehyung woke me up and we got ready. Then we left for school. Taehyung looked so relieved to just walk and not worry. He took deep breaths of the fresh air and smiled to himself. I smiled too.

I quickly gave him a kiss on his cheek before we parted ways. Once I saw that Taehyung had gotten into his classroom I walked into my own. I sat down by my friends and the teacher walked in.

"Goodmorning students. I have some exciting news! All third year classes will be going on a school trip to Spain!" the teacher said excitedly.

Everyone were really excited and me too. This would be a way for me and Taehyung to have another vacation together. The vacation was all that I could think about for the entire class. Once it was over, I excitedly left the classroom to talk to Taehyung.

He walked out at the same time as me and he smiled at me. I walked up to him.

"Did you hear about the vacation?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm excited!" he answered.

"We can get away from here for a couple of days with no worries. That sounds amazing. Also it's Spain and I've never been there." I said excitedly.

"Neither have I so I'm also very excited." he answered.

The trip was going to be in two days. We were going to be there for a week. Everyone is really excited. We walked to get some lunch and sat down with the others. Surprisingly even Yoongi was excited about this vacation. Since he doesn't like to travel.

After school me and Taehyung went home to pack. I hadn't been away from Taehyung in a week so I was missing my mom. I walked into the apartment and saw my mom on the couch.

"Jungkook!" my mom said excitedly and hugged me.

"I missed you" I said.

"I missed you too. I heard about the school trip, you must be so excited." she said.

"Yeah I am very excited. I have never been there so it'll be a new experience. Oh, and don't worry, I will take a lot of pictures for you." I said and smiled at her.

"Thank you, honey." she said and hugged me again.

"I will go and pack now" I said and smiled.

"Tell me if you need help" she said and I nodded.

Taehyung Pov

"Dad!" I said excitedly as I saw him in the kitchen.

"Taehyung" he said and we hugged.

"How have you been? I missed you." I said.

"I've missed you too, it's mostly been work but I had a great time. Also I heard that you are going to Spain." he said.

"Yeah, all of the third year students are going." I said excitedly.

"I'll ask Seulgi to help you" he said and smiled.

"Thank you" I said and walked up to my room.

I started packing everything that I could possibly need. Seulgi came in with a bottle of sunscreen and I thanked her. After maybe an hour I was done packing and I called Jungkook.

"Hi Tae" he said when he answered.

"Hi, how is the packing going?" I asked.

"Good, I just finished packing. What about you?" he asked.

"Same, Seulgi helped me a little so I was done faster. Anyways, I miss you already." I confessed.

"It's only been two hours... but I miss you too" he responded and smiled.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too. My mom told me to go downstairs and eat dinner so I need to go. I'll see you tomorrow." he said and smiled.

"Yeah, have a great night." I responded and smiled back.

When we had hung up I went downstairs to find my dad. He was sitting on the couch and looked at some papers. I walked up next to him.

"Should we get take out for dinner?" I asked.

"Yaeh that sounds great. It's been a while since we ate together." he answered.

I went and called the food place and they delivered the food. I sat down on the couch next to my dad and we started eating.

"I'm so glad that you managed to get that Chanyeol boy in prison. He was very dangerous." he said.

"I'm glad too. But I'm very grateful since if it hadn't been for my friends and Jungkook then I wouldn't have made it." I said.

"I'll have to thank them. Also are you and Jungkook doing?" he asked.

"We are stronger than ever. I really love him. He's always there with me and makes me happy." I answered and smiled to myself.

"Well I'm glad that you two are happy. The fact that you have Jungkook next to you makes me calm since I can't be here and help you. I'm really grateful to him and I really hope that you two stay happy like you are now." he confessed.

"Jungkook really is amazing" I said.

"He is" he said.

We finished the food and I walked back up to my room to get ready for bed. I sent a goodnight text to Jungkook which he responded to only a minute later. Then I fell asleep feeling the happiest then I have been for a while. Since I have everyone.

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