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A/N: There will be a double update today since I'm feeling creative for once. But get ready for angst!

Taehyung POV

The week at the cabin is over now but I had a lot of fun. Me and Jungkook are going to get back to work today. I just hope that everything is going well since I haven't had more than one or two updates from Jinwoo. But working might be difficult since by every passing day my dad gets drastically weaker. He was expected to live a year, then half a year and now three months.

He doesn't want to tell me about how he's really feeling. He tells me that he's fine but the doctor tells me otherwise. I just wish that he would be honest with me so that I can help him. But in a way I understand why he doesn't want to be completely honest with me and I could respect it.

I once again feel myself spacing out as I sit in the chair in my office. I sigh loudly and looked up at my computer screen. I have a meeting in five minutes so I got up and grabbed my papers. I walked out of the office and Jungkook stood up and bowed lightly.

"Is everything ready for the meeting?" I asked him.

"Yes, I've got everything." he answered and we started walking.

The meeting lasted for two hours and I just now got to know that we had some issues with some paperwork. I sighed loudly as I sat down in my chair again and loosened my tie. This is going to be a long day. At around nine pm I was not done yet and Jungkook walked in.

"How is everything going, mr. Kim?" he asked.

"Well but it's stressful and I'm still not done" I answered and sighed.

"I'll wait here for you" he said and sat down on the couch as he started working on his own things.

"Thank you" I said and smiled.

He smiled back and kept working. I started working again and disappeared in to my own world again. Another three hours past and it was already midnight but I was finally done. I leaned back in my chair and took a deep breath. Finally.

I stood up from my chair and put on my jacket. I walked over to Jungkook who had fallen asleep on the couch. I sat down next to him.

"Let's go home kookie~" I whispered in his ear.

He woke up and smiled and nodded. We walked out and sat down in the car. Jungkook fell asleep as I drove and I decided to carry him into his house. I walked up to the door with him in my arms as I knocked lightly on the door to see if anyone is awake. Hoseok opened the door and smiled.

"He stayed and worked late with me so he's really tired" I whispered.

"Oh okay" he whispered.

I walked up to Jungkook's room and laid him down on his bed. I put the blanket over him and room off his jacket. I laid down next to him and pulled him closer to me.

"Goodnight" I whispered softly before falling asleep as well.

Another week went by and I had been staying at Jungkook's house a lot since my dad told me to. I could only assume that it's because he doesn't want me to see him in his condition. But I want to spend time with him since I know that I'll lose him.

I woke up early and worked till the late night almost everyday just to think of something else. My old tendencies started showing. I was suddenly shy and cried a lot. I hadn't been like that since high school and I hated the fact that I had gotten weak again. Jungkook has noticed this and was very worried about me.

One day Jungkook heard me sobbing in the bathroom just like I would in school. He knocked on the door, calling my name. I didn't say anything and just unlocked the door. This reminded us way too much of high school when we had just gotten to know each other. When I would cry because I was bullied and everything hurt. All the memories came back and I became mentally weak again just like that. I hated it.

Jungkook walked up to me and pulled me into his arms. I hugged him back and he talked to me for hours which made me calm down. We had a long conversation about our future. The wedding and how we were supposed to live together. We had decided that Jungkook would move in here with me some time after the wedding. My dad had already agreed to it seeing as we have so much unused space in the house.

That conversation really enlightened me about how nice my really is and that I'm just focusing on the negatives. Maybe this realization would help me get better again?

I stopped over working myself and found support in other things. Like Jungkook and my friends. They made me so happy and would support me no matter what. Jimin would happily speak about his girlfriend Chungha to me, Jin and Hoseok would feed me food and snacks, Namjoon would make jokes to cheer me up, Yoongi would show me some music that he worked on and Jungkook would hold me and love me. I'm so grateful to have their support. Without them I wouldn't be able to go through this.

But it's been a month now since my old tendencies came back and I was getting much better again. I was laying with Jungkook in my bed and hugged him.

"Hey, Kookie?" I asked.

"Yeah, Tae?" he answered.

"I love you" I said and hugged him closer.

"I love you too" he said and smiled brightly.

I smiled back and we fell asleep in each other's arms. Hopefully I'll be able to be completely happy soon.

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