Wedding (Finale)

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Taehyung POV

It's the morning of our wedding day. Every since I opened my eyes opened today I have been happy. I just can't believe that this day has finally come. I smiled brightly as I look into the mirror at the suit that I'm wearing. Jungkook really wanted me to wear my glasses so I will. To be honest, I feel more like myself while wearing them.

Jungkook had spent the night back home with his mom, Hoseok and Hoseok's dad. I have spent the night at home with Jimin. I didn't want to be alone and Jimin decided to stay with me. I'm very grateful that he would do this for me.

I giggled as I think of how Jimin used to hate me deeply and now he's sitting here, helping me with my hair. He's smiling brightly as he's helping me.

"I'm so happy that my best friends are getting married!" he said happily

"I'm happy too and I can't believe it!" I said happily as I wiped the happy tears that had escaped my eyes.

"You two have gone through so much together and it's amazing that you two have stayed this strong." Jimin said genuinely.

"I know. I probably wouldn't have been able to survive high school without Jungkook and you guys. So thank you." I said and smiled.

"Don't thank me. I basically beat you up twice in high school." he said sadly.

"Jimin, I forgave you back theme so don't think about it. You were hurt and I understood you. You have been the best friend to be ever since then and I'm very thankful towards you." I said and he started crying.

"I-I still feel so guilty for how I treated you at first. It has stayed with me for so long and I'm just glad that you wanted to be friend." he said as he sobbed.

I hugged him closely and he stopped crying.

"I can't ruin your suit with tears" he said and we laughed.

"It's okay so promise me that you won't think about it, okay? You are an amazing friend Jimin and you shouldn't feel guilty." I said and his eyes softened.

"Thank you" he said and smiled brightly.

"We only have an hour left so let's finish this!" I said excitedly.

Jimin kept fixing my hair and I put in some earrings and then I was done. Jimin went to put on his suit and I looked at myself in the mirror. That's when it really hit me. I'm getting married in an hour! I'm so excited and I can't wait. Jimin walked out in his suit that matched with his newly dyed pink hair.

"That hair color first you so well!" I said in amazement.

"I was nervous about dyeing it but everyone seems to like it so I'm relieved" he said and smiled.

We noticed that the limousine that was going to take us to the wedding had parked outside of the house. We walked downstairs and got into it. Jimin looked around excitedly as he had never been in a limousine before. I smiled to myself as I felt myself getting nervous but Jimin easily calmed me down.

The limousine parked outside of the garden where the wedding was taking place. We smiled at each other before getting out of the limousine. There were paparazzi everywhere taking pictures as we walked past. I stopped and looked up at the blue sky, there was not a single cloud to be seen.

"Dad, mom, I hope you're watching." I said and smiled to myself as I kept walking.

Jungkook had already arrived a few minutes earlier and the wedding was going to begin in one minute. I took a deep breath as Jungkook walked up next to me, holding my arm. I turned to look at him and smiled brightly and he did the same.

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