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Taehyung Pov

His eyes are darker than usual, scary even. His gaze is cutting into me like a knife. I feel my chest hurt, like the pain of getting stabbed. My deepest fear is all happening right now.

"Without your savior now? Well that makes it easier for me." he said with a haunting smirk on his face.

"C-chanyeol... what do you want from me?" I asked, frusturated but still terrified of what he was capable of.

"I want you, dead." he said as he put one of his hands on my throat.

"I just want to make you stop breathing" he said as he started as his hand around my neck.

I had tears running down my cheeks as I started gathering up enough courage to yell. Soon enough I did. I can't die like this, not now.

"Help! Someone help me!" I yelled but was cut off by Chanyeol's grip tightning around my throat.

"Stop yelling. No one would care anyways and your savior is home with a cold if I'm right." he said.

I started feeling my legs getting weaker and I started losing my vision. I can't breath. It's over. I can never see Jungkook again. I won't see my dad again. I won't see the light of day again. I won't be able to start working. I'm about to lose everything. I close my eyes, waiting to die. He's way too strong and I'm... weak.

But suddenly...
l could breath. The force around my neck was gone. I opened my eyes as I coughed. Jungkook?! Jungkook had tackled Chanyeol and was punching him. I let him. Chanyeol was returning the punches. Jungkook managed to grab the knife that Chanyeol was holding and stabbed Chanyeol in his stomach. Chanyeol dropped down in pain and Jungkook stood up.

He was only wearing his pajamas, his hear was drenched from the rain, his nose was red from his cold, he had no shoes and he started making his way towards me. When he was close enough he threw himself around me, hugging me tightly. I hugged him back.

"I'm so glad that you are okay..." he said relieved.

"Jungkook... you are boiling warm! You need to get inside!" I said worriedly as his grip loosened and he started falling. I managed to catch him and held him.

"Jungkook?!" I said worriedly.

I got no response so I called the hospital. They told me that an ambulance was on the way and I took off my jacket and put it over him. I also hugged him to keep him warm.

"I'm so sorry Jungkook... Why did you run out like that? Now you're like this. But thank you... for saying my life. This time I'll save your life." I said.

I grabbed my umbrella that was filled with water now and held it out. Then I put it over us so that we wouldn't get the rain on us.

"The ambulance is here!" I told him.

They got him into the ambulance and I got to go with them. When we got to the hospital he was rolled away to get help. I couldn't go with him so I sat down in the waiting room. I called his mom and everyone to tell them where we are. They all rushed to the hospital. I noticed them running in.

"Taehyung! You are soaked." Jin said worriedly and handed me a blanket.

"Thank you, Jin." I said as I grabbed the blanket.

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