The downsides of being popular

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Taehyung Pov

"He really works at my dad's company..." I said to myself.

Wendy's dad is the vice president of my dad's company. But since my dad is the president I technically have nothing to worry about. Does she know about this? Jungkook ran into the room.

"Why're you here? You made me so worried..." he asked whilst catching his breath.

"Sorry... I was just looking at some things." I answered. 

"Okay, do want to go and get some lunch?" he asked.

"Of course." I answered and we made our way to the cafeteria. 

We bought some food and sat down with everyone. I could feel Wendy staring at me as I ate but I ignored it and just focused on the conversation. I did look over at her for a little bit and she was hovering her finger over a button on her phone. It made me a bit anxious. Then she pressed it and I panicked. Standing up, I walked away from my table, leaving everyone confused as I walked up to Wendy's table. Grabbing her phone from her hand, I looked at what she just did. She had actually posted the video for everyone in the school to see and had an annoying smirk on her face as she looked at my reaction.

Everyone stared in shock as I grabbed her arm and started dragging her out of the cafeteria. She tried to stop but she couldn't. Normally I would never use violence against someone but I was so done with all of this. We stopped in an empty corridor and I stared into her shock filled eyes. 

"Why did you post the video?!" I asked angrily.

"I told you earlier, to get away from Jungkook or I would post the video." she answered and shrugged.

"You won't get your way everytime, I love him and I won't just leave him because of someone like you. I might've been easy to push around earlier but I'm going to stand up for myself." I said sternly.

She laughed, "do you even know who my dad is?".

"I do" I answered.

"And you're not scared? He could ruin you." she said and scoffed. 

"You should be the one who's scared. Have you ever taken the time to search up who my dad is?" I asked and I noticed her getting more nervous. 

I had never used my dad's name like this before because unlike Wendy, I actually try to live like a normal person does. I don't want to use my dad to get what I want.

I could see her shock in her face as she read my dad's name. A part of me thought that it was amusing.

"Your dad is the president?!" she exclaimed as she looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah, so please take down the video." I answered.

"I will, I will!" she said as she quickly removed the video.

After that she ran away to her classroom and I took a deep breath. I've never been this nervous before in my life. To bring out my angry side was something I never thought I would do. Somehow, it was a bit refreshing. Jungkook had finally found me walked up to me in a hurry. 

"What was that?" he asked worriedly.

I didn't answer and just hugged him. We stood there for a while before I decided to tell him about it.

"Wendy had told me to leave you because she wanted you, then she had recorded our kiss and was going to post for everyone in school to see, and she did. That's why I got so mad..." I explained.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Jungkook asked and sighed.

"I don't know... I'm sorry." I answered, feeling like I had let him down.

"Don't worry about it... but tell me next time." he reassured and smiled softly.

"Of course." I answered and hugged him again.

After everything we thought it all was over but the video had spread even though it was taken down. Basically everyone in school had seen it and a part of me was embarrassed since I had even more attention to me. But at the same time I wasn't, I love Jungkook and I don't know why I should feel bad about it. He doesn't so why should I? The thing that was scared me the most happened though, the principal called us into his office.

Jungkook held my hand and gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back before we knocked on the door. 

"Come in!" the principal said from inside of his office.

I gulped and we let go of each other's hand before walking in. The principal was arranging some papers as we sat down on the chairs.

"I believe that you two know why I called you into my office?" he asked.

"Yes, mr. Kim." we both answered.

"Why'd you two do something indecent on school property? It's a clear rule." he asked calmly.

"We're very sorry, we didn't think about it clearly. It won't happen again." Jungkook answered.

"Very well. Jungkook you will clean the second floor of the school tomorrow as a punishment and get a warning. Taehyung since your father is a sponsor at our school we'll let you off with a warning." he explained.

"P-please give me the punishment too. It's only fair." I said nervously.

"Well if you want to help then you may." he answered.

"Thank you mr. Kim." I said as we stood up.

We bowed before opening the door.

"No more indecency!" he said sternly.

We left and I took a deep breath.

"That was my first warning ever..." I said.

"I have two now." Jungkook said and laughed quietly.

"Is it bad that I don't regret anything?" I asked.

"I don't either" he answered and smiled.

We walked home and said goodbye at my gate. Before walking in, Jungkook stopped me.

"Oh, Taehyung!" he yelled.

"Yeah?" I yelled back. 

"Come over for dinner tomorrow." he said.

"Of course." I answered and he kissed me sweetly.

"See you tomorrow." he whispered in my ear before walking away.

My cheeks turned pink and I smiled.

"You make me crazy Jungkook" I said to myself.

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