Save me, I'm not fine

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A/N - Thank you all so much for 2k reads and all the support! ❤️

Taehyung Pov

I'm clutching my books that I am carrying, I'm terrified. Chanyeol could show up at any moment and I'll be dead. I know that he won't give up until I'm dead and off the earth. Jungkook can't be with me at all times but Jimin and Hoseok usually stick around me since we have the same schedule. I couldn't be more grateful towards them.

I don't know if they even know yet. But the fact that they are around me makes me able to relax and think of other things. Out of the friend group, I am the closest to Jimin and Hoseok. Jungkook really saved me.

The fact that Chanyeol would stare at me during ever lesson is taking a toll on my grades. I'm at my lowest grades that I've ever had. It's another reason why Chanyeol is running my life. It's my last year of high school and I'll need good grades. It's gotten to the point where I panic when I think of my future.

It's been a few weeks now and everything is the same. But I was never alone at least. I really wished that Jungkook would be in my class but he couldn't transfer since my class is for the people with higher grades. Namjoon used to be in this class too but he transfered. My time is usually spent just looking out of the window at the rain that has been pouring down lately. I, for some reason, enjoyed the dull and dark autumn days. It's relaxing in a way.

Lunch time, the best time of day. Since I get to meet Jungkook and get away from Chanyeol. I quickly pack up my things and run out off the classroom to Jungkook. Once he noticed me, he smiled.

"I've missed you" he said.

"I've missed you too" I said and we held each other's hands whilst we started walking to the cafeteria.

The other's were already sitting at a table so we joined them. They were talking about a test that we were going to have in a week. Half of them were complaining and the other's promised to help them to study. For once, I was one of the worried once. Usually I study for weeks ahead of tests but I haven't got the brain power to do so. I might fail and the thought of that makes me panic. I've never failed a test before and I'm sure that my dad will be disappointed.

Jungkook noticed that I was nervous and gently squeezed my hand. I smiled to reassured him. Lunch ended quickly and I walked back to my classroom with Hoseok and Jimin. Taking a deep breath, I went in and sat down. Chanyeol was there, hanging out with some girls who bully me. They seem to have something in common.

My little breakdown earlier made me more determined to study. I managed to study a lot ans I was so happy. I was so focused that I even forgot that Chanyeol existed. The bell rang, signaling that another day was over. I packed my things to go and meet Jungkook by the entrance as usual. He stood there with an umbrella in his hand. I walked up to him and he noticed me.

"Did you bring an umbrella?" he asked.

"No, I forgot since I was in a hurry..." I answered.

"Then let's share mine" he said and smiled.

"Thanks" I said and smiled back.

We started walking and he had his arm around me as we walked, to keep me warm and under the umbrella. I noticed that he got water on his shoulder.

"Your shoulder" I said.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I'll just dry my uniform when I get home." he reassured.

"Are you sure you're fine?" I asked.

"Yeah, don't worry." he answered and smiled.

I shyly smiled back and we stopped in front of my house. I kissed his cheek and he hugged me. He let go of me and smiled.

"I'll see you tomorrow then" he said and waved as he walked away.

"Yes" I said and waved back.

When I couldn't see him anymore, I walked into my house. I was home alone again. The silence in the house was too loud. I walked into my room and decided to play some music on my phone to get some sound. Then I started studying for the test. It felt nice to relax and study since I hadn't done that in a long while. I got a text and looked at my phone.

Dad - I won't make it home today or tomorrow. Will you be okay? There is food in the fridge.

Taehyung - Yes, I'll be okay.

Dad - Great. I'll see you on Saturday.

I put down my phone and kept studying. I kind of miss having my dad around since London. He promised me that he'll spend the next weekend with me though. I'm excited for that. I kept studying until I realised how late it was. I got ready for bed and fell asleep right after textning Jungkook goodnight.

The next morning I woke up to a call. I sleepily reached for my phone that was on my nightstand. I pressed the accept button and I could hear Jungkook's voice.

"Were you awake?" he asked and I could hear that his voice was different.

"No, but it's okay. I was about to wake up anyways." I responded.

"I was just going to tell you that I won't be able to make it to school today. I got a cold and I have a fever. I'm sorry that I can't go with you... My mom is forcing me to stay at home." he said and laughed a little.

"You should listen to your mom. You need to rest! Anyways, don't worry about me. I'll be fine." I reassured.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Of course!" I answered and smiled to myself.

"Okay, call me if anything happens!" he said.

"I will! Rest well. I'll come over after school." I said.

"Okay, have a great day. I love you." he said.

"I love you too" I said before we hung up.

I was a bit worried about being in school without him but I'll manage one day. I got ready for school. I put on my uniform, ate breakfast and brushed my teeth. Before I left the house I remembered to bring an umbrella since it was raining.

I opened the door and took a deep breath. Then I opened my umbrella and started walking. There wasn't that many people walking on the street today and I could hear some distant thunder. Just as I was taking in the surroundings, someone grabbed my arm and forcefully dragged me into an allyway. The person pushed me up against the hard concrete wall and put his hand over my mouth. Then I saw who it was.


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