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Taehyung Pov

I woke up with Jungkook next to me. He had stayed over because he was too tired to walk home. School is starting in an hour but I don't want to wake him up, he looked so peaceful. I can't even explain how much happiness I feel when I look at him. Jungkook, the love of my life. The fact that I met him has changed me in so many ways, good ways. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"Are you already awake, Tae?" he asked with his morning voice.

"Yeah, I woke up a few minutes ago" I answered as I smiled back at him.

"We should get ready for school" he stated and got out of the bed.

"Are you a morning person now?" I asked, feeling a little bit shocked.

"Not really, I guess I get some energy from waking up next to you" he said and winked.

I smiled and stood up as well. We put on our school uniforms and walked downstairs to eat a quick breakfast. I ended up eating a sandwich and Jungkook ate some cereal. Looking at the clock, we had twenty minutes to walk to school. Which was plenty for us. As we got there we met up with the others. Yoongi hadn't been able to leave the hospital yet so Hoseok was gone alongside him. 

Once I had said goodbye to Jungkook I walked into my own classroom and started taking my books out of my bag. Class went by fast and I had a little snack before the next class. The other one went by quickly too and it was finally time for lunch. For lunch, I had brought my own food so I went to my locker to get it. As I was walking towards the cafeteria I got a text from Jungkook.

Jungkook - Meet me on the roof. Let's have lunch there :)

Taehyung - Okay! I'll see you there.

I turned around and started walking towards the stairs instead. I found it kind of weird that he would want to eat lunch on the roof all of the sudden but I shrugged of the weird feeling and kept walking. The sun was shining brightly once I opened the door to the roof, blinding me for a couple of seconds. I took a breath of the fresh air, the weather was nice today. As my eyes adjusted to the light I saw Jungkook with Irene, his ex-girlfriend. My eyes widened and I dropped my lunch. They're... kissing. I couldn't breath and soon I felt tears running down my cheeks. Jungkook noticed me right away and panicked. His eyes were as wide as mine. I ran away, down the stairs, hearing Jungkook following me. I kept running, not knowing what to do.

He managed to grab my arm seeing as he's faster than me. I stopped but didn't want to look at him.

"Tae, let me explain!" he begged.

"Explain what? You kissed your ex! Jungkook, I'm sorry but I don't want to talk right now. I want to be alone" I answered and started walking away as my tears kept falling.

"Tae, please!" he kept begging.

When I didn't stop he broke. 

"I love you!" he yelled at the top of his lungs and my heart broke.

If he loved me than he wouldn't be kissing Irene. I knew that I loved him but I didn't tell him and kept walking. Defeated, Jungkook fell onto the floor. On my way to the toilets I noticed Jimin, Jin and Namjoon walking in the other direction. I tried not to make eye contact with them but it was useless.

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