I need you

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Taehyung Pov

"Tell me if you don't love me anymore" I said as I felt myself breaking down.

"I love you more than my own life, Taehyung. Please let me explain..." he begged.

"I want to know the truth" I said biting my lip anxiously.

"What you saw was all a misunderstanding" he confessed.

"Misunderstanding... how?" I asked, feeling annoyed for some reason.

"I didn't kiss her, she kissed me" he answered.

"Still, why would she do that? And also, why did you ask me to meet you on the roof if she was there?" I continued.

"I wasn't the one who texted you, she was. She told me that her phone was dead and that she needed to text a friend. So, I stupidly let her use my phone because I trusted her" he explained.

"If her phone was dead, how did she tell you to meet her on the roof?" I asked in confusion.

"She's in the same class as me and asked me to meet her there during lunch" he answered.

"So... why did she text me to meet you on the roof and then kiss you?" I asked, feeling so lost about the whole situation. 

"I have no idea... I think she might've been jealous but I didn't notice seeing as she took our break up well..." he explained.

"So... you don't have any feelings for her?" I asked, nervously.

"Of course not. I love you, Tae..." he answered genuinely.

I held in my tears of relief as I sat down nex to him.

"I'm so happy" I confessed with a smile.

"You're acting like when I first told you I loved you" he pointed out and smiled.

"It's because I love you so much" I answered and he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Tae..." he whispered. holding me tightly.

"I'm sorry for doubting you..." I whispered back.

Just like that the others came back. They had found Irene and was forcing her over to us. She looked nervous, scared even.

"Explain yourself" Namjoon said sternly.

"I'm so sorry, Jungkook, Taehyung... I guess I just got jealous and did something stupid" she said shaking in nervousness, stumbling over her words.

I felt slightly guilty, she probably loved Jungkook and went through so much after he broke up with her because of me.

"I forgive you Irene... but please in the future, don't do something like this. I know that it's impossible to control your own emotions so I empathize but... let's not be selfish" I explained and she wiped her tears. 

She nodded profusely as Jungkook started talking.

"I trusted you Irene. I thought that you were the most understanding person I knew since you took our break up so well but I feel like a fool now. I forgive you but please don't expect anything from me in the future" he told her as she kept her gaze on her hands.

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