Life on the edge

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Jungkook Pov

Hoseok cried the whole time that he ran around, asking everyone for a ride to the hospital. We, of course, helped him to ask because we also wanted to get there. There's no way Yoongi could just die like this, we wouldn't let that happen. Even if it took us a long time to find him. After a long while a teacher finally agreed to drive us to the hospital. Everyone jumped into the car and we drove away. Once we got to the hospital Hoseok was the first one out of the car. He ran up to the reception before we had even gotten into the building.

"Where's Min Yoongi?" he asked, out of breath.

"Who are you?" the woman asked.

"Jung Hoseok, his bestfriend" he answered quickly.

"Okay, he's in surgery. Once the doctor comes out I will tell him that you're here. Also, do you know about his parents? Someone we could call?" she asked.

Hoseok gave the woman Yoongi's parents contact information and sat down. He was still shaking and crying as we all sat down next to him. Jin had some snacks and fed him in hope of making him calm down. We were all extremely worried but tried not to make it too obvious as it  would make Hoseok panic even more.

"He won't die right? He won't die because of me right?" he asked in despair.

His voice was almost gone from all the crying and his body was giving out. So tired from all the crying.

"He won't die, I'm sure of it. It's not your fault Hoseok" Namjoon reassured.

"I feel so stupid" Hoseok said.

"Don't. You're not stupid!" Jimin said, hugging Hoseok tightly.

Taehyung was quiet and hadn't said anything in a while, I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. 

"Are you all right?" I asked softly and he turned his attention to me.

"Yeah..." he answered, lying.

"You sure?" I asked, knowing that he was lying.

"Could we get some air?" he asked.

"Of course" I answered and we made our way outside.

Taehyung was taking deep breaths and I just looked at him, feeling worried.

"It's just- being in a hospital gives me memories of the worst day of my life" he confessed.

"I didn't know, I'm sorry" I apologised and hugged him.

"Don't worry, I hadn't told you about it yet. Also, we're here for Yoongi so I don't mind. I just needed some air" he reassured.

I broke the hug and gave him a soft smile.

"My worst day... was when I got a phone call from the hospital telling me that my dad had passed away. I freaked out and ran to the hospital while crying my eyes out. He was all I had left since my mom is not here. Once I got there they told me that my dad somehow had woken up again and that's when we got to know that he was sick. He still has that sickness today but he has medicine for it now. I guess coming to hospital like this reminded me of the day..." he explained.

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