Worst nightmare

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Taehyung Pov

I can't breath. How did he find me? My life will definitely end now. The thought of that I can't do anything about it makes me panic. I could feel his eyes on me for the whole class. As soon as it was over I packed my things and started walking out of the classroom. But I tripped and I dropped everything. I could hear everyone gasp and then I noticed that it was Chanyeol's fault.

"Dude, you shouldn't do that. You could get in a lot of trouble." a boy told Chanyeol.

"Don't worry, that's not an issue for me." Chanyeol answered and I had finally stood up with my things again.

"C-chanyeol, stay away from me." I said terrified.

I ran out of the classroom and could hear his all too familiar laugh. I needed to get to Jungkook. He wasn't in his classroom and I kept running. Then I saw him with everyone at the lockers. I ran up to him and hugged him.

"What's wrong? Also what happend to your hand?" he asked worriedly.

"I need to talk to you" I said.

"Of course, we'll be right back." he told the other's and then we walked into the empty classroom.

"What happened?" he asked, still being worried.

"The new boy. I know him from my old school. He and I used to be best friends, or I thought he was my friend which I got to know wasn't the case in the end. Ever since I realised he has made my life a living hell. He would act like my friend around people, then hit me by the lockers. He once told me that he wants to see me suffer, I think he might have changed to this school because he got to know that I was here. The blood on my hand is from him making me trip in the classroom right before I met you by the lockers. I'm scared." I confessed.

"I'll go and talk to him" Jungkook said, visibly angry.

"No! You can't..." I said and grabbed his hand.

"Why not?" he asked, still mad.

"Because... his dad could ruin both our lives." I said as I looked at my hand that was holding his.

"What do you mean?" he asked confused.

"His dad is way more powerful than my dad. In the snap of a finger he would be able to wipe out our existence." I answered feeling scared.

He pulled me into a hug.

"I won't let anything happen to you. We'll figure something out." he told me.

Once we let go of each other, I smiled lightly at him. Then kissed him gently before we left the classroom. He held my hand tightly as we walked trough the crowded corridor. We got to the cafeteria and got some lunch. Then we sat down with the other's. They asked questions about what had happend but we didn't tell them the whole story. At least not yet.

I looked around the cafeteria and saw him. Sitting with a bunch of girls, looking at me with a grin. At this point I was shaking so much that I couldn't eat. Everyone seemed to notice and also noticed Chanyeol staring at me. They put all the information together and realised that he was the problem. But they decided to not ask since it might make me nervous.

After lunch me and Jungkook left the school early. I just couldn't stay there at the moment. He came over and we studied.

Namjoon Pov

"Everyone noticed what I noticed during the lunch, right?" I asked everyone.

"The thing with the new boy?" Jin asked.

"Yeah, something is off about him and he seems to be bothering Taehyung." I said feeling annoyed.

"But if that's the case then why won't he tell his dad?" Hoseok asked.

"I don't know. Let's search him up." I said.

We got a laptop and wrote Chanyeol's name into the search engine. Everyone gasped, seeing his dad's name. He's one of the most popular international person in the world.

"So they are not doing anything since Chanyeol's dad is more powerful?" Jimin asked.

"That's what I think" I answered.

Yoongi looked at the screen and laughed. Everyone looked over at him confused.

"Do you know something?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's one of my grandfather's most popular workers. His life depends on my grandfather." he said and chugged his water.

Jungkook Pov

"It's hopless. He won't let me go this time." Taehyung said while watched TV.

"It's not hopless. We'll figure something out, like I told you. I promise." I said .

I held out my pinky finger and he intertwined our pinky fingers.

"I promise" I said again.

"I don't know what I would do without you. I am so weak, please tell me if I'm ever a burden." he said.

"Taehyung, don't ever say that you are a burden, you aren't. Also you are not weak. You've gone trough so much but is still going. That's dedication!" I told him, feeling mad since he was bringing himself down.

"Then let's do it. Let's try and get rid of Chanyeol." he said.

"That sounds better" I said and smiled.

He smiled back and we kept watching the show that we were watching earlier. After that we were both tired so we went to bed. We laid down and Taehyung looked at me.

"I hope that I'll be fine" he said.

"Of course you will" I said.

We smiled at each other again before turning off the lights. Falling asleep quickly. To be honest, this time I was a little nervous myself.

Taehyung Pov

His laugh was terrifying. It cut into my ears like knifes. A cold gust of wind passed trough my hair as he smirked at me.

"I can't believe that you thought you could have friends" he said, still laughing.

"Chanyeol, what do you mean?" I said.

"I never liked you Taehyung. You are nothing. Just a try hard with another powerful dad. I made you think that we were friends just so that I could see you suffer. Taehyung..." he said and got up closer to me.

"...I'm going to ruin your life." he whispered.

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