The popular girl

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There are two groups of popular students in the school. Jungkook, Jimin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and Jin are the most popular boys and they are nicknamed BTS. The other group is six girls, the leader being the most popular girl in the school, Wendy. Wendy had always been trying to get Jungkook but he'd always reject her. Wendy and her friends are among the people who bullies Taehyung. Wendy often uses her father's name to get what she wants. The fact that she can get anything but Jungkook made her mad.

Now she was going to use her father to get rid of Taehyung...

Taehyung Pov

I walked into school holding Jungkook's hand as usual. It always makes me calm knowing that he was there next to me. I'm finally getting a little bit more comfortable in school and I can see that Jungkook is relieved because of it. Just the fact that he knows that I'm alright makes him able to smile and it warms my heart. I want to be closer to him even if it's not possible. 

"Jungkookie?" I whispered in his ear. 

"Yeah?" he whispered back.

"Can I... kiss you?" I whispered nervously.

He choked on his breath in shock and started coughing. I had never asked something like that before so I guess that he wasn't ready for me saying something like it. But I grabbed his hand again making him turn around to look at me. I noticed the pink tint on his cheeks as we ran out of the building and ended up behind the building. We stopped and I held Jungkook's other hand too before putting my lips on his. He responded to my kiss and put his hands around my waist, the pink tint still apparent on his cheeks. My glasses almost fell off. This moment together is amazing, just us two here alone, holding each other. His lips are like candy, sweet and addicting. I never want to stop but we needed to. The bell rang and we needed oxygen. We stood there with our foreheads leaning against each other, catching our breath.

"We... should really go to class... " I managed to say.

"Yeah, let's go." he said and we walked back holding hands.

No one was in the corridors and as we were about to separate Jungkook stopped me again. 

"Wait! Your lips are swollen..." he mentioned. 

"What really?" I asked and we went to the bathrooms.

I looked in the mirror and they were indeed swollen. I couldn't go to class like this. I sighed and looked over at Jungkook with a pout. 

"I can't go to class like this." I said.

"Yeah, we would get caught." he thought deeply. 

"I guess I'll have to skip this lesson." I mentioned. 

"Let's go hide in the empty classroom again." he said and grabbed my hand.

We walked to the classroom and it was still empty. We sat down at one of the tables. I laid my head on the table and stared out the window. Soon Jungkook's face was everything I could see, he moved my bangs and we laid there staring into each others eyes. Jungkook smiled brightly at me and I smiled back.

"I really love you Tae." he confessed with so much admiration in his eyes.

"I love you too Jungkookie." I smiled.

Everytime Jungkook would smile at me his eyes would shine as if he was staring at a nightsky filled with stars. It was like I saw the whole galaxy in his eyes. It mesmerized me and I didn't want to look away. I'm not really a sentimental person but I let a few tears escape my eyes. 

"Tae are you okay?" Jungkook asked worriedly.

I didn't answer and just nodded. He hugged me and I hugged him back. We didn't speak but just enjoyed the silence. The bell interrupted us and we slowly let go of each other. As we stood up  Jungkook left a kiss on my forehead. 

"It's okay now. We can go to our lessons." he mentioned and smiled.

"I'm excited but sad at the same time." I felt relieved. 

"Why?" he asked curiously.

"Excited since I have a lesson but sad since you won't be there." I answered.

"I really wish that we were in the same class." he said and sighed. 

"Oh no we're late!" I exclaimed in panic. 

We made it to our classrooms in time by running and he reassured me that everything would be okay before separating. I sat down at my desk and the lesson started. I couldn't focus and kept my gaze out the window the  whole time. All I could think about was Jungkook as the lesson went by slowly. I finally got to go to Jungkook, but Wendy, the most popular girl stopped me.

"Taehyung come with me." she said and motioned for me to come with here. 

"Why?" I asked, confused over why she wanted anything to do with me. 

"I want to talk about something." she answered. 

"Okay." I said and decided to follow her. 

She led me into the empty classroom and brought out her phone.

"This is what I wanted to talk about." she said before playing a video of me and Jungkook kissing from this morning. I got shocked and embarrassed. How did she see that?

She put away her phone again. 

"So... I want to know how you won Jungkook's heart." she said with a blank face.

"I-I um..." was the only thing that I was able to respond.

"Not gonna talk huh? So here's the deal. You break up with Jungkook and let me be with him or else this video will be all over the school. It wouldn't be good for a top student to be seen breaking rules and being scandalous right? So do as I say." she said with a prominent smirk on her lips.

"No" I said coldly. 

"No? Do you even know who my father is?!" she exclaimed angrily.

"No, I don't wanna know." I answered. 

"He could ruin you and your whole entire family in a heartbeat. So you better do as I say!" she yelled.

"I don't have time for this. Please delete the video and go on with your life." I said feeling annoyed.

She looked at me as if I had just offended her and she slammed her foot onto the ground. She walked to the door and stopped right before walking out.

"You better be careful." she threatened before leaving.

I sighed deeply and sat down on one of the chairs. It took a lot of courage to say all of that to someone who's been bullying me. Calming down, I took some deep breaths. I decided to google her dad and he popped up immediately. I was left speechless. 

"He's really..."

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