The world VS us

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Taehyung Pov

It's the first day of school after the break and just the thought of school is making me shake. Having everyone's eyes on me. I get sick to my stomach. But another thought made me feel calm, Jungkook stood next to me holding my hand. I finally calmed down and grabbed my bag before walking out to meet Jungkook. He stood by the gate waiting for me.

"Goodmorning Tae!" he said and held my hands. 

"Morning." I answered nervously and I knew that he could sense it. 

Once we got close to the school I tightened my grip around his hand. He gave me a reassuring kiss before we walked in and right to our lockers. As usual everyone was staring at us and it made me hide my face a bit. I could hear their whispers around us and it made me panic. I crouched down and put my hands over my ears.

"Taehyung, what's wrong?!" Jungkook asked worriedly, crouching down to my level.

"The whispers and stares..." I answered shaking.

Jungkook grabbed my hand and we ran to an empty classroom and he led me to a table. We sat down and I was just about to say something when he hugged me.

"Is it all too much?" he asked worriedly. 

"N-no it's just... I hate having attention on me... and the whispering... I guess I broke down." I answered feeling a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry... it's my fault." he said said as he looked down at the floor. 

"No it's not!" I exclaimed. 

"But if I didn't already have all of that attention on me then you wouldn't have to suffer..." he said as he looked up slightly. 

"Don't think that. It's my own fault. I have social anxiety and it makes this hard for me. I just wish... we could be in a calmer place" I reassured. 

"Then let's stay here for a little while." he said and smiled. 

"But we'll miss the lesson" I said worriedly.

"Isn't this more important?" he asked.

"I guess so." I answered.

"Trust me." he said and hugged me again.

We sat enjoying the silence together. He has helped me through so much and I'm so thankful to have him. As we sat there he turned to me and smiled.

"Do you want to draw something?" he asked.

"No it's fine... I'm just enjoying sitting here with you." I answered.

"Okay, then tell me what I should draw." he said.

"A bunny" I answered.

"A bunny?" he asked. 

"Yeah, you are kind of like a bunny. A cool, soft and sweet bunny." I answered.

"O-okay I will draw a bunny." he answered and his cheeks turned bright red. 

I watched as he started drawing. Admiring him as he focused, how he disappeared into his own world and put effort into every detail. The light from the window making him shine. 

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