Future plans

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Taehyung Pov

I'm feeling a lot better now but Jungkook is still staying by my side. To be honest, I kind of had a feeling that the sickness my dad has was going to ruin me too. My grandpa had passed away from an unknown sickness which I'm guessing is the same as the one my dad and I share. They just didn't know what sickness it was on my grandpa. But I would never blame them for what happened to be since we all have no control over our bodies. But this incident has really made me realize how much I should cherish the time that I have and the people around me have. I want to get married, run the company and have a family. I'm going to make my wishes come true.

Jungkook woke up in the chair next to my bed. He looked up at me and smiled sleepily.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I feel a lot better" I answered and smiled.

"That's great" he said and smiled back.

"How long do you think I'll have to stay here?" I asked.

"Probably another day or two" he answered.

"I just wished that this could've happened a little later so that I could teach you the things that you need to know for work..." I said and sighed.

"No, you should worry about your health first. I'm a fast learner so I'll be fine, don't worry." he reassured.

"I-I know I just want you to go to this work knowing everything so that you won't have to worry..." I said.

"I know, but I'll be okay. I like a challenge." he said and hugged me.

I hugged him back and relaxed. After a while he sat back down in his chair.

"Oh, by the way, I've been wondering about the wedding. I know that it might be early but I would like to have it during the spring." I said and smiled at the thought of getting married.

"I would like that too. At the seaside." he said and smiled back.

"Then we could have the party in the company's conference hall. Then go on a honeymoon." I said.

"Where do you want to go for the honeymoon?" he asked.

"Somewhere with snow" I answered.

"Great idea! Do you like skiing?" he asked.

"Yeah I do. I've only skied a few times but I really like it and since it's cold we could sit at the fireplace at night. We could drink hot chocolate and have such  a nice time..." I said as I dreamt of it.

"I would love that" he said and smiled.

The doctor came into the room and gave me my medicine. He told me the results from my tests but I was healthy expect for the sickness. I would be able to leave tomorrow. I'm so excited!

Jungkook decided to stay for the last night and help me pack in the morning. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw that Jungkook was sound asleep on the couch. I looked out the window and saw how the stars were unusually visible. I couldn't look away, it was so beautiful. I saw a shooting star and made a wish.

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