Spain pt. 2

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Taehyung Pov

"I can't find my glasses!" I said, worried.

I had just gotten out of the shower and my glasses just disappeared. We were looking through the whole room many times over but nothing.

"How could they just disappear like that?" I asked, frustrated.

"I have no idea. Magic?" Jungkook asked.

"Thankfully I brought some lenses. But I'm scared to put them in my eyes." I said.

"You should try. I mean, you can't walk around without seeing." he said and we laughed.

"Okay, I'll try." I said and got them out of my bag.

After a good half an hour I had finally gotten the lenses in my eyes. We sighed in relief and got ready to go downstairs. Once we were down there we met up with the others.

"You look so different without glasses" Jimin said.

"I know. It feels so different too." I said.

"Let's go to the bar. I know that we can't drink but I mean, they have snacks." Namjoon said and everyone agreed.

We all walked out to the bar next to the pool and sat down. I ordered some chips and started eating them whilst speaking to everyone.

"I gotta go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." Jungkook said and everyone nodded.

I took up my phone and looked through Instagram when two girls approached me. One was blonde with blue eyes and the other was a brunette and had hazel eyes. They looked like the basic show off type of girls and I was really confused to why the would approach me.

"Hey beautiful, where are you from?" the blonde girl asked.

"Umm... South Korea" I responded.

I looked over quickly to see if the others had noticed but they were lost in a conversation.

"You are really hot" the brunette girl said and winked.

"T-thanks?" I responded nervously.

This is not something that has happened to me before so I don't know what to do. The blonde girl got her face closer to mine and crouched down a little bit since I was sitting. It was obvious that it was so that I would look at her breasts. I'm really uncomfortable at this point. She put some of her hair behind her ear and looked into my eyes.

"Wanna have some fun with us?" she asked.

"I-I umm-" I was cut off by a familiar voice.

"Tae! I'm back." Jungkook said as he walked up to me and the girls.

Everyone's attention was now on him, including the others who had been talking this whole entire time.

"I missed you" he said and kissed me.

I was shocked but understood what he was doing.

"I missed you too" I responded.

"Who are you two?" he asked the girls whilst glaring at them.

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