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Jungkook Pov

The last days that we spent in Spain were rather uneventful. We spent most of our time doing the group activities with our classes. But in the end we had a great time all together. But to be completely honest I have a lot of anxiety for the fact that we are graduating soon. Only in about a month. Then we'll have to either start working or go to university. But there is no way that I would be able to get into the same one as Taehyung since he is so smart.

Taehyung has told me that he is thinking about not going to university and just starting to work after the summer. His dad's health is deteriorating more and more by every year because of his sickness and also overworking himself. That's why he is thinking of it. I would support whatever decision he makes. I'm also thinking of skipping university for the simple reason that I feel like it's not for me. But I have no idea what job I could get with my grades.

I've had these thoughts since we got back to Seoul yesterday and I think that I'm going to talk to Taehyung about it. After we landed we needed to go home so I needed to say goodbye to him for the first time in a week. It still makes me just as sad every time. My mom is making dinner and told me that we would have an important guest over tonight. I have no idea who it is but I am assuming that it's one of her friends. She told me to get ready so I did and after an hour she called my name. I got downstairs and saw a man.

"Who is this?" I asked my mom, confused.

"I'm mr. Jung" he said and held out his hand.

"I'm Jungkook" I said and shaked his hand while trying to figure out what was happening.

"Let's sit down and I'll explain" my mom said and motioned us to sit down in the kitchen.

We sat down and put some food in our plates and started eating.

"So... Jungkook, you two have already introduced yourself so I've been meaning to tell you this for some time but me and mr. Jung have been seeing each other for some time." my mom explained.

Shocked I spat out my drink.

"What?!" I yelled since I felt so irritated for some reason.

"Jungkook... me and mr. Jung are in love" she said carefully.

"In love?! What are you on about? What about your love for dad?" I said as I started to get angry.

"Jungkook, listen, I haven't felt like this since your dad and I want you two to get along." she said.

"I can't believe you would fall in love again! I can't listen to this right now..." I started leaving the room as they tried to talk to me but I didn't stop.

I slammed my door closed and jumped onto my bed. I was so mad that my mom could just find a new man. We already have such a great life together we two. She doesn't need a man right? No. I decided to call Taehyung.

"Hello kookie" Taehyung answered happily.

"Hi Tae..." I said.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

"Can I come over?" I asked.

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