Stress release

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Taehyung Pov

The news of my dad's condition came as such a big shock to everyone. I just can't believe that my dad is going to pass away within a year. I can't process that information inside my head. Right now I just want to meet him but he hasn't woken up yet. Me and Jungkook are still sitting in the waiting room for someone to tell us that we can meet him. Jungkook quietly supported me as he sat and hugged me while I cried. Without him I would probably be falling apart right now. A nurse walked up to me.

"Your dad has woken up. He is in room 237 on the third floor." she told us.

"Thank you" I said and we started walking towards the elevator.

Jungkook held my hand and squeezed it reassuringly. I turned and smiled weakly at him. We reached the third floor and started looking for his room. Once I saw the number 237 on a door I opened it. There I saw my dad. He was sitting in the bed looking out the window. The machines that we connected to him were beeping. This really reminded me of the first time this happened.

"D-Dad?" I said and walked up to him.

"Taehyung, I hope that I didn't worry you too much..." he said and I hugged him tightly.

"T-the doctor told me about your condition... Are you really going to pass away?" I asked in disbelief.

"Life is inevitable and you can never know what happens in the future. For now let's just live happily, okay?" dad said reassuringly as he hugged me.

I started sobbing again as I realized how much in life that we had no control over. We never know what's going to happen. The realization hit me like a truck. I knew that one day my dad would pass but not this early.

"Jungkook, thank you for helping us today." dad said as he looked up towards Jungkook.

"Of course I would help... I hope that you'll feel better soon." he said and smiled weakly to my dad.

"Speaking of, how is the wedding planning going?" dad asked.

"It's going great. Almost everything has been decided." I answered as I felt my mood instantly lift when he mentioned the wedding.

"I bet that it'll be the best wedding ever" dad said and smiled.

My dad got to go home the next day but he had a nurse to take care of him. Jungkook was hanging out with me almost everyday and soon we got back to work. Jungkook walked into my office with some paperwork but before walking out he stopped.

"Tae?" he asked informally which shocked me since we usually talked formally at work.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Yoongi told me that he and the others are going to a cabin next to the ocean for a week. They leave tomorrow. He asked if we wanted to join." he said.

"That sounds like a lot of fun" I said as I smiled thinking of it.

"Then should I say that we're going?" he asked trying to hide the fact that he was excited.

"Yeah, do that." I said and smiled.

"Yay! I mean that's great. I will get back to work now mr. Kim." he bowed before leaving the room.

I thought to myself about how cute he is. I'll tell Jinwoo that I'll take a break for a week. Jinwoo usually runs the company when my dad or I can't work. He has been working a lot recently because I was still young and everyone thought that I deserved breaks. He did get a pay raise though which I knew that he appreciated.

When I had dropped off Jungkook at his house I drove home. I walked to my dad's bedroom and knocked on the door before walking in.

"Hi dad, how are you feeling?" I asked him as I sat down next to the bed.

"Much better. How was work?" he asked.

"It went well. Actually me and Jungkook are going with the others on a small trip to the beach for a week tomorrow. I do feel kind of bad having fun when you're stuck in bed all day..." I said and looked down.

"No, don't worry about me and go have a lot of fun. You are still young and need to spend that time wisely." dad reassured.

"Thank you dad. But remember that you can call me about anything." I told him.

"I will, now go have fun!" he said and smiled.

"I will" I said and smiled back.

He was going to sleep so I walked out to eat dinner. I ended up cooking some pasta since it was easy. After I had eaten I started packing my things. A bunch of clothes, chargers, snacks and all that fun stuff. Before going to bed I decided to take a shower. When I had gotten out of the shower I called Jungkook. We talked for some time about tomorrow and some other things then I finally fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to Jungkook whispering in my ear.

"Wake up Tae~" he whispered softly in my ear.

"J-Jungkook" I said shocked as I woke up with him next to me.

"Good morning" he said and smiled.

"Morning" I said as I pulled him in for a kiss.

I kissed him lightly and he kissed me back. I stood up and got ready to leave as Jungkook talked to me. When I was done we walked out to the car that was waiting for us. Everyone had been outside for a minute or two and were getting impatient. We sat down and the started driving towards the beach. I felt Jungkook's head fall onto my shoulder and I smiled as I realized that he had fallen asleep.

"Is he tired?" I asked Hoseok who might know.

"Yeah probably, he woke up early since he was so excited and also so that he could go and wake you up." Hoseok told me.

"He's crazy..." I said as I looked at him sleeping peacefully.

As we got to the beach cabin everyone excitedly bust out of the door. Everyone were excitedly running into the cabin. I lightly shook Jungkook to wake him up.

"We're here~" I whispered in his ear.

Jungkook immediately woke up and jumped out of the car excitedly. I joined him and we got our bags before running into the house as well. We managed to get a room with a view of the ocean and it had a balcony that was connected to Hoseok and Yoongi's room. We put down our bags and threw ourself onto the bed. I took a deep breath.

"I'm in the mood to release some stress..." he said and looked over to me.

"Me too" I responded and kissed him before getting on top of him.

This is going to be a nice trip. I need this

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