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Taehyung Pov

Tomorrow is our graduation and everyone is really excited. I have always loved school even though so much bad has happened there so I'll miss it. I'm going to take over my dad's company after summer so I will be very busy. Jungkook has been having a lot of anxiety about what to do after graduation. But I've been thinking of making him my assistant at work. It's a well paid job and he won't have to worry. My dad had picked his own assistant back when he started the company so I guess I could do the same. I just have to talk with my dad about it before I ask Jungkook. Tomorrow is a really important day so I'm just going to sleep early.

The next morning I woke up and took a shower. I decided to wear my glasses today since it makes me feel more like myself. I put on my school uniform and did my hair. When I looked in the mirror I realized something. I'm about to be a real adult and run a big company. Am I really ready for this?! It's fine... it's fine. I heard the doorbell and walked downstairs. I opened the door and saw a smiling Jungkook.

"You ready to graduate?" he asked.

"More ready than I'll ever be" I said and smiled.

He grabbed my hand and we started walking towards the school. Once we got there I took a moment just looking at the school. This is my last time here. We walked into the assembly where the graduation was taking place. Once we got there we saw the others standing in the front. Me and Jungkook needed to go to his class so he kissed my cheek.

"Good luck" he whispered.

"Good luck to you too" I said and smiled.

I walked over and stood next to Jimin who is in my class.

"Are you excited?" Jimin asked.

"Very" I answered and smiled at him.

The graduation started and the principal held a speech about how proud he was of us. Wishing us good luck and finished the speech. The one by one our names were called and we got to walk up to the teachers to get our last grades. They called Jungkook's name and he walked up on the stage. They handed him the grades with a flower and he bowed. Before he walked down he smiled at me. I smiled back. The. It was finally my turn so I walked up on the stage and they handed me the papers and flower. I looked at them for a split second thinking of the fact that I'm an adult now. I walked back down and the graduation ended with a lot of cheers. Excitedly I joined everyone who was cheering and made eye contact with Jungkook. As soon as I saw him I ran up and hugged him tightly.

"Congratulations!" I said happily.

"Congratulations Tae!" he said back happily.

After the graduation was over we walked out where we could take pictures. There were students who were laughing, crying and smiling. It was an amazing feeling.

"Let's take a picture!" Jungkook said and held my hand.

We walked over to the others and we took a group photo. I could hear sobs and turned around. I saw Hoseok crying and everyone seemed to notice too.

"Why are you crying?" Jin asked.

"I-I just graduated" he said in between sobs.

My eyes started to sting and I started to cry too.

"We graduated!" I said as my tears ran down my face and I ran up to hug Hoseok.

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