School camp pt. 2

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Taehyung Pov

"Will you be fine alone in the tent?" Jungkook asked as they got ready to leave.

"Yeah, don't worry! Just be careful" I answered with a reassuring smile smiled.

"We will" he said and kissed my forehead before turning to everyone else.

"Let's get going!" Namjoon exclaimed and they left, Jungkook giving me one last glance before turning to the group once more. 

They disappeared into the woods and I went back into the tent. Thankfully I remembered that I had packed one of my favorite books. As I started reading, I easily dreamed off to the world inside the book, forgetting about reality for a while.

Jungkook Pov

"What game should we play?" Jimin asked, an excited smirk on his face. 

"How about truth or dare?" Jin suggested. 

Everyone agreed and started bringing out the drinks. 

"I'm not creative with questions though..." Yoongi complained as he plopped down next to Hoseok who was chugging his first shot. 

At first the questions and dares were relatively normal, either having to go knee deep into the nearby lake or answering if you'd ever blamed a fart on someone else. Though, as the night progressed, they got gradually more personal the drunker we got. 

"Hey, so, Jungkook, truth or dare?" a drunk Hoseok asked, hiccuping. 

"Truth" I answered, slurring my words. 

"When was yours and Taehyung's first kiss?" he asked curiously.

"It was the day when we confessed in the nurse's office. We were so caught up in the moment that it just kinda... happened" I explained, struggling just to say two short sentences.

"Ooh, I was wondering what was taking you two so long that day" he said and laughed. 

The game moved on and before we knew it, two hours had passed and everyone were drunk. Yoongi turned on some music on the speaker, loud but not loud enough for the people back at the campsite to hear it. Everyone was dancing and jumping around to the music, just being our version of normal. After the three hour mark, everyone was on the verge of passing out, the alcohol really hitting us hard. Namjoon, Jin and Jimin left to go to back to their tents, leaving me with Yoongi and Hoseok. At first we were just sitting and relaxing whilst having a conversation. I zoned out and Hoseok and Yoongi were having  their own conversation. I decided to give them some privacy, so I stumbled all they way back to the campsite where I met a worried Taehyung.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly after running up to me.

"I-I'm fine I just drank a bit..." I lied.

"You're drunk... here, hold my hand" he said and held out his hand.

I instantly grabbed it and he supported me all the way to the tent. He helped me lay down and laid down next to me afterwards. I hugged him tightly.  

"I'm sorry" I apologized sincerely. 

"Don't be sorry" he reassured and hugged me back.

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