Back together

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Jungkook Pov

Today is the day that I have been looking forward to for three months. Taehyung is coming back to Seoul. I'm missing him so much and I'm walking around smiling, thinking of the fact that I'll be able to hug him today.

I checked the clock and saw that it was an hour left until his plane was going to land. I put on my jacket and shoes before leaving the house. I was going to take the bus there since I couldn't borrow anybody's car at the moment. The bus came just in time and I got on.

There weren't that much people in the bus so I could relax. I plugged in my earphones and listened to some music. A half an hour past and I had gotten off the bus at the airport. Since there is twenty minutes left until his plane is supposed to land I decided to go and buy some snacks.

I am going to help him unpack and then we are going to watch movies and hang out. I can't wait. When I had bought some snacks I decided to go and wait for him. I saw the plane landing outside and I felt butterflies in my stomach. He's finally back.

After a few minutes I saw him. Looking amazing as always. I ran up to him and then he saw me. We hugged tightly.

"I missed you!" I said, happy since he was here.

"I missed you too" he responded and hugged me closer.

We let go of each other and I kissed him. Then we just smiled at each other. We started walking out of the airport, holding each other's hand.

"Where is your dad?" I asked.

"He's coming back in a week" he answered.

"Oh, okay. Shit! The bus!" I said as I realised that the bus was at the bus stop already.

We started running. I was holding one of Taehyung's bags in my hand and his hand in the other. We got there just in time and sat down in the front of the bus. We were catching our breaths from running.

"Your head is okay right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just get some headaches now and then but it's fine." he answered and smiled lightly in reassurance.

He put his head on my shoulder and I put my head on his head. I almost fell asleep on the way back but managed to stay awake. I just felt so relaxed around him. I'm too excited to fall asleep. I'm like a child on christmas eve, opening his presents. We got of the bus outside of his house.

I grabbed one of his bags again and we walked in. We walked up to his room and I helped him to put his clothes back in the wardrobe. Then we laid down on his bed.

"Are you tired?" I asked.

"No, not really." he answered.

"Then let's watch a movie!" I said excitedly.

We picked a movie and got the snacks that I had bought. I drew circles on his hand as we watched the movie. The movie was actually great but a bit emotional. After it was over it was already late.

"Do you want to sleep?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm really tired." I said and yawned.

"Me too" he said.

We brushed our teeth and laid down again. I kissed him goodnight and we fell asleep. Tomorrow is the first day of the third year of high school. I'm excited.

The next morning we woke up to the alarm. Tiredly I turned it off and sat up.

"Morning, Tae." I said and smiled.

"Morning" he said and smiled.

We got out of bed and ate some breakfast before putting on our school uniforms. Taehyung looked rather nervous but I reassured him that everything would be okay. I hope that it helped. We decided to walk to school since it was a sunny day.

We started seeing other students of our school after some time and that's when it really hit me that school is starting again. Taehyung was holding my hand tightly as we walked into the school. As usual, we had all eyes on us. I didn't mind it but Taehyung did.

We met up with the other's and they were excited since Taehyung was back too. They even admitted to have missed him, which is something they usually don't say. We all walked to class and I smiled at Taehyung before we walked into our classrooms.

Taehyung Pov

I sat down at my desk and took a deep breath. Another long year was starting and I'm just hoping that it will go smoother than last year. I got my books out of my bag, being ready to study. The teacher which was the same one as last year walked in.

"Goodmorning students! I hope you have had a great summer with a lot of relaxing. Today we will start working as usual. You all will get your schedule in a minute but first, we have a new student." she said.

Everyone got excited and whispered about it. I heard some girls wishing that it's a boy and some wishing that it's a girl. I didn't really care since I know that the person won't be my friend anyways. But my whole world was about to be turned upside down.

"Hi, my name is Chanyeol. I'm a student here from this day forward." he said and smiled at all the girls who were admiring him.

Chanyeol? My heart dropped. This can't be happening. He started walking down the row on his way to his desk.

"Kim Taehyung, this is where you went." he said in a friendly but sinister tone.

He kept walking and sat down. I felt like I was going to pass out. My life could be get ruined now. Because of him. Because of Chanyeol. I looked out the window and imagined myself in another place so that I wouldn't get a panic attack.

"Kim Taehyung, you trash person! Running away when you don't like the situation. You are nothing without me. Don't even try with your dad. My dad would destroy him. Run away all you want." Chanyeol said before hitting me for the fifth time.

"P-please stop..." I said.

"No, I want you to suffer." he said and laughed as he kept hitting me.

"Help!" I yelled in my head but no one was there to save me.

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