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"This doc needs cake"
Heather Flores

It's now eight am and the only break I had was sitting beside a grieving patient for five minutes. I got changed once after a young boy threw up on me but it's all part of the job I think.

I approach room 34 and breathe in deeply before walking in. My eyes catch Luna sleeping in Shawn's lap, her small arms wrapped around his neck and he was on his phone.

"Morning" I smile grabbing her personal clipboard ticking the daily check. "Morning, you look rough" he laughs.

"Same goes to you" I says changing the bed sheets but I only do this to spend more time in the room with him, I know it's childish.

He stands up putting Luna down on the bed, she turns and her eyes flutter open. "Hi feather" I laugh bopping her nose. "Hey Luna"

"Can I do one last check on you?" I ask her and she sits up nodding. I repeat the checks I did yesterday and see Shawn watching from the corner of my eye.

"Looks like the medicine helped huh" I say writhing down her information. "I like the little gummy's" she says. Shawn sits beside her holding her small hand.

"I'll give you some to take home then" I smile putting down the clip board. "Oh and Shawn we need both parents signature" I say passing him the board.

"Oh erm it's just me" he nods looking down at Luna. "Okay that's fine, I'm going to file her dismissal then you can go home" I turn on my heel and walk out the room.

Am I bad person for being happy that he doesn't have a partner?

My thoughts are dismissed when someone touches my shoulder making me jump. "Sorry I just wanted to thank you" Shawn smiles standing in front of me. "I know I was harsh last night but you put me at ease" he says. My heat skips a beat when he clutches my hand.

"No problem, just doing my job" I shrug.

"Well you're amazing at your job" he says taking his hand back running it through his curly hair

"Erm Heather, can I have your number?" He asks slightly stuttering whilst looking down at his shoes.

"Oh erm, I-I " my words mumble and suddenly I can't think straight.. "Oh erm I was asking so I could call if there was something wrong" he says and I just want to hit myself for being that stupid.

"Oh right, yeah sure" I write down my number and hand him the piece of paper. "Available 24/7" I smile. "Except Sunday's unless you really need it" I say and he nods.

"I'll have a nurse come dismiss you it won't take long, bye shawn and say bye to Luna for me" I walk away feeling like grabbing that tray of medicine and smacking myself with it.

I turn around and see him shaking his head then he walks back in to the room.

"Ness?" I call. She peeps up from under the desk. "Your dad is back" she says handing me a coffee. "In his office?" I ask taking the cup off her. "Yep and he seems happy" she tells me and I nod.

I approach my dads office and brace myself. "Dad!" I exclaim. "Heather come here" he smiles pulling me in to a hug.

"Sit down, lets talk" he tells me. I sit on the leather chair and look down at my watch seeing it's ten am.

"How was Hawaii?" I ask him. "Amazing, Lola loved it!" He grins. Lola was my dads girlfriend, let's just say I tolerate her. And that was my dad, going on holiday when he could but there wasn't a time where he wasn't working, it's where I got my work ethic from.

"I see you ran then place well"

"But?" I ask waiting for the comments.

"But the staff could've been managed better, James was late three times"

"James' wife has just had twins, cut him some slack" I say leaning back on my chair.

"Eh I guess it didn't go horrible" he shrugs.

"Dad just say I did a good job, it's not that hard" I get up. "You did a good job now go home and rest" he tells me as I walk out the door.

I quickly go in to my office grabbing my stuff, checking my phone seeing messages from a few colleagues. Not bothering to reply I make my way outside to my car, my precious Mercedes AMG. At least my job pays well.

I end up driving to Cakes N' shakes, finding myself walking into the sound of the blender and smell of fresh cookies. "Hey Heather, long shift?" Spence asks, "you bet" I sit on the stool facing him.

"Yeah girl you look like shit". That was Spence for you brutally honest. "Hey I save people's lives mister, you make milkshakes"

"Shut it missy, these milkshakes take more than just good looks" he swings his cloth on to his shoulder.

"Oh yeah?" I roll my eyes. "Honey Im just glad I don't work for your father" he laughs. "No comment" I purse my lips together.

"Ooh hottie walking in" Spence smirks.

"Hold on he got a kid, never mind" he walks off to the cashier. I shake my head laughing to myself.

"daddy it's feather!" I turn on my chair looking down seeing the small brunette. "Hey Luna" I smile looking down at her.

"Hi heather" Shawn says I look up seeing him in different clothes than before. "Hi" i smile trying not to look at Spence who's making faces behind him.

"What are you doing here doc?" He picks up Luna sitting on the stool next to me with her in his lap. "This doc needs cake" I point down to the cake with my spoon.

"Hey Heather Feather, you good?" Spence shouts winking at me. Shawn turns to him then looks back at me. I nod at Spence then avert my eyes back to Shawn.

"Is that your boyfriend?" He asks raising an eyebrow. "Oh him? No he's in to guys so watch your back" I joke.

"She not kidding handsome" Spence walks past looking Shawn up and down. "Spence stop it" I laugh "he has a boyfriend don't mind him, he can be... weird" I tell Shawn causing him to laugh.

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