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"Do something Heather"
Heather Flores

"Here's your files" I place the stack of paper on my dads desk then turn around ready to leave. "Heather" he calls making me look over my shoulder. I see a smile on his face, maybe he'll actually thank me or tell me I'm doing a good job.

"There's a patient in your office, it's urgent" that's all he says then looks back at his computer. I feel something inside me, a sudden feeling of anger. I nod even though he's not looking and I walk away.

"Your tea Doctor Flores" Ness walks beside me. "Thanks" I mumble taking the cup from her. "It's not from me" she giggles. I stop in my tracks raising my eyebrow at her.

"Don't look at me like that" she raises her hands in surrender. "Just read what it says on the cup, plus it's peppermint tea today" Ness shrugs she shoulders.

"Kay then, I have a patient in my office. We're coming back to this later" I say whilst walking away looking down at the cup.

Have a good day
Love Luna x

I smile down at the cup probably looking like an idiot but the small gesture makes my heart race. I look up pushing my door open entering my office.

"Morning, I'm Doctor Flores" i shake the woman's and mans hand then sit at my chair.

"Hi, I'm Poppy and my husband Ash" she sends me a small smile, my instincts kick in. Her colour had faded and she clutched on to her husbands hand.

"How can I help?" I smile leaning against the table. "Doctor Flores-"

"Please call me Heather"

"Heather, my wife she's suffering" he sniffles looking down at her hands. "We need a heart transplant for her" he says.

"Wow, Poppy you look amazing to say what you've been going through and I'll do everything to help" I tell her, it was my job to make her feel as good as possible.

"I'm going to get you to fill this form out and hand it to Ness the receptionist. I'll book you in as fast as I can depending on the operation and you'll have a letter send home." I tell her and she nods.

"A heart transplant is one of the biggest ops you can do and because it's my job I need to tell you all the pros and cons" I quickly log on to my laptop, from the corner of my eye is see him kiss her hands wiping a tear from her face.

"Okay so Poppy after the op you'll need 12 week bed rest, just some light walks nothing too physically challenging so no lifting heavy objects and definitely no gym" she nods listening carefully.

"As for food we send a list but it should be pretty normal" I gulp and look at the screen for a second. "The chances of failure is 7% and out of millions of these kinds of ops only 89 have failed but that was due to other factors"

"Poppy I can assure you that you are in safe hands. I'll be operating on you and I hope you trust me. Now I'm going to give you this letter and advice you to rest up and just spend quality time with loved ones" they both get up as do I and hug me.

"Thank you Heather" she smiles at me then walks away. "Thank you so much Doctor but I'm, afraid I don't want her to be that 7%" he gulps.

"I can't promise anything but all I can say is I'll do my best" he smiles then walks away.

I gather myself and lock my office door making my way to my dad despite the fact he might not care I feel an urge to tell him. I knock on the door and he walks out.

"Dad guess what?" I say walking beside him. "I don't have time, I need to pick up Lola. Stay till I'm back and don't sign out" I stop and he carries in walking away.
All day I did my job and probably even more. Paige didn't work today and Ness has already gone home so I couldn't talk to anyone. My dad still isn't back, he didn't call or text to tell me anything and I had a weird feeling in my stomach.

"Doctor Flores we have a patient coming in the ambulance, it was a heart attack, female, around forty" One of the nurses rush up to me.

"Okay, we need a stretcher and get me room 3 free and call Kenza and Dylan, they are on their break right now" I tell him quickly then I wait at the emergency entrance.

I see them take out the women on the stretcher and a man following close behind, no it can't be.

"Dad w-what happened?" My heart drops seeing him sob as he holds Lola's hand.

"Do something Heather" he weeps. "I can't operate on friends or family dad" I rub his back as we speed walk following the stretcher.

"I know Heather but I need you to be in that room, please. I love her Heather" I nod wiping my own tears. "I got it, now stay here she'll be fine" I walk away shoving my hair up.

"Doctor Flores you can't be in here" Kenza the other doctor tells me. "I'm observing, now get on" I say standing closely watching them.

It all goes smoothly, I watch and make comments along the way but then a sudden slow beeping noise makes me shudder.

"Fran, her heart beat" I point out my hands going clammy. "I'm doing everything I can" she shouts.

I can't bare to watch anymore I move her out the way. "Give me 150 volts" I say holding up the shockers. "Heather stop it" Fran yells.

Ignore her and place the shockers to her chest. "Again" I shout repeating three times and the beeping regains a normal speed.

I breath out in relief. "She's fine" I say. "She's fine" I repeat seeing her eyes flutter open. "Heather?" I hold her hand nodding.

"You're okay Lola"

"Thank you" a tear slips her eyes. "It's okay we're going to admit you in for rest and observation" the nurses roll her out and I see my dad run up to her grabbing her hand. He bends down kissing her cheek saying a few words which make her smile.

My heart clenches knowing I have no one like that. "Doctor Flores, we need to clear up and you need to fill the documents for this" I nod taking the sheets of the nurse making my way back to my office feeling nothing.

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