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"It's lame I know"
Shawn Mendes

Luna fell asleep on the bean bag after an hour, she was so tired I could see it in her eyes. I helped Heather with whatever I could, I felt an urge to help her. Not like she needed it, I just wanted to show her I could help.

"Done!" She exclaims placing the last paper on the pile. "That normally takes me a full day" Heather picks up the pile putting it in a folder.

"It's probably because I helped" I smirk and she nods smiling. "I think you're right" she leans her head back on the sofa.

"Do you want some tea?" She asks me, sitting up. "Are you going to have some ?" I ask her and she nods. "I'll make it" i get up but she stands in front of me. "I've got it" she says turning around making her way to get kitchen.

"No seriously let me do it, you're so tired" I tell her but she doesn't listen, she makes her way around the island grabbing two mugs. I shake my head sighing. I go behind her, my heart races as I hold her hips turning her around. "You are going to..." I lift her on to the counter. "Stay right here" I say letting go off her standing back.

"But you don't know where anything is" she says. "Well you tell me then" I smirk filling the kettle with hot water.

"Okay the milk is obviously in the fridge but it's skimmed milk, is that okay?"she asks.

"Yep" I take the milk out. "Wait or we could have peppermint tea" she says excitedly swinging her legs.

"Okay where is it?" I ask looking back at her. "In that cupboard" she points. "But put it back exactly where you found it"

"Erm Okay then" I laugh. "It's just that I put them in a specific place" she shrugs, her cheeks slightly pink. God she's so cute.

I finish making the tea and pass her a mug. "Thank you" she smiles at me wrapping her hands around the mug.

I sit on the stool facing her, watching as she blows on to the tea then carefully takes a sip. "You should come make me tea everyday"

"I wouldn't mind" I say and instantly regret it. "Okay tea boy" she giggles making me relax.

"So shawn what else do you do?" She asks me.

"Well I have my company, after I stopped singing I took on other artists and I help them make a career" I explain. "Sounds good, why did you stop though? Was it because of Luna?" My heart clenches.

"Erm kind of. I love singing and I still do but I wanted to give my full attention to her, I didn't want her to feel like I'm never there so I'm still in the music industry just not producing anything" I shrug and she nods.

"It's lame I know"

"I don't think it is, it's really sweet that you're focusing on her. I'm sure she'll understand one day how much you do for her" She smiles at me.

Her words, they're so caring and gentle.

"So besides all that what do you do in your free time?" She asks, trying to change the subject.

"I erm" I try to think of something, something to impress her but my mind tells me to be real with her.

"I do spend a lot of time with Luna, she comes with me to work everyday and because I own the company I take days off and take her out to places, to the zoo, the park or go see my family" I say and she awes making me chuckle. "What's your family like?"

"They're amazing, my parents love Luna and my sister always does her hair and helps her dress up. It's great" a smile appears in my face naturally thinking about Luna dressing up as a princess. "What about you? I feel like this has all been about me"

"Well you already know I'm a Doctor, I work for my dad and I pretty much invest everything I have in to my work" she shrugs.

"But what else apart from work? What about your family?" I ask.

"My mum passed away when I was eleven so I moved here with my dad when I twelve. He erm moved on when I was sixteen, her names Lola she's really nice to me" she says looking down at her mug.

"It's seems like more than that" I say, just wanting to hear her talk.

"Well she's amazing but she'll never replace my mum. I mean don't get me wrong Lola has been there for me but my dad just doesn't have time for me, he treats me more like a work colleague most of the times" I notice her gulp and her eyes become glossy.

"Hey don't cry" I get up towards her placing my hand beside her leg on the counter. "I'm not, I just don't talk about these things" she looks up at me through her teary eyes.

"Sometime it's good to talk about it though, you know get it all out" she nods putting her mug to the side.

"Well no one ever listens"

"What about your friends?" I ask her.

"I have Spence, he has his own stuff to worry about and he always comes to me for advice which don't get me wrong I love helping him. And Paige who I work with, shes great they both are but I guess I'm just so in to my work that I don't even have the time to sit and talk" her lips pull in to a frown, she sends me a sad smile.

"I'll sit with you and talk. Whenever you want Heather" I tell her. She nods then rubs her eyes.

"Daddy!" I hear from the other room, I sigh gently and Heather looks at me. "She's probably confused" I chuckle.

"Well come on then" she hops down making her way to Luna and I follow.

I never thought I'd meet someone like her, I can't precisely say what it is about her but I'm so intrigued.

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