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"Lets get fucking drunk"
Heather Flores

"Hi Andrew, is everything okay?" I ask him seeing him waiting outside my office. "Yep, I just wanted to run over the timetable and also ask how you're feeling" he follows me in to my office.

"I'm feeling good" I smile. "That's nice to hear" he smiles sitting down opposite me.

"And erm because of my promotion I'm having a dinner tonight, most people are invited and so are you, you have a plus one so you can bring Shawn" he tells me

"Ooh where is this dinner? And I'll have to ask Shawn" I say grabbing my pen.

"It's at Diempo, it's my favourite restaurant"

"No way! It's mine too. It's the only Greek place around here" I grin and he nods agreeing with me. "Well I hope to see you and Shawn, tonight at seven" he hops up.

"I'll convince him and we can go over the time table tomorrow if you like?"

"Yeahs sure, have a good day Doctor Flores" he smiles.

"You too Doctor King" I hear him chuckle as he walks out and as soon as the door shuts it reopens and Spence walks in.

"What's up bitch?" He flops down on the chair. "Spencer, I'm good" I smile at him seeing a smile on his face.

"So I heard about yesterday and don't ask how, I'm your best friend I obviously know and I just wanted to tell you that I'm here for you and blah blah blah should we get drunk?" He says seriously leaning forward.

"Thanks Spence and no let's not get drunk" I stand up. "Well at least let me be your plus one to this dinner" he pouts.

"If Shawn can't come then you can" I pat his back. "Yay! I love you" he pulls me in to a hug then leaves.

All day I was so busy I just couldn't wait to go out tonight. I finally sat down at my desk and pulled my phone out texting Shawn.

Me : hi love, are you free tonight? There's a dinner tonight and you get to be my plus one, love you x

Shawn❤️: sorry babe got a ton of work, see you tomorrow morning I'll make breakfast 😘

Me: okay, how's Luna? x

Shawn❤️: she's fine, gotta go. Love you x

I put my phone down looking around. Should I go tonight? Eh why not. I make my way home and of course I have no clothes to wear so there was only one thing to do. I call Spence.

"Bitch I'm so glad you called" he walks in with a wine bottle. "I bought pre-drinks and I have my clothes in that bag and girl you should wear that beige plaid mini skirt, an oversized white shirt tucked in and black knee high boots" he says all this in one breath whilst pouring two glasses of wine handing one to me.

"Okay got it" I nod grabbing everything he said and get changed, I don't mine getting dressed in front of him he has no interest in women in at all.

"Ooo you look fine, Shawn is gonna wish he was there! Send him a pic!" he throws me my phone. I quickly take a picture sending it to Shawn then shove my phone in purse.

"Ready?" He asks. "Yep lets go, you're driving" he nods following me out the house.

Me and Spence meet everyone, there was around ten others here, Paige couldn't make it unfortunately. I was sat opposite Andrew and Spence was beside me. We were just starting on our main and I was sipping my wine.

"Did Shawn text back?" Spence asks me. "Erm no" I shrug.

"Heather" Andrew calls. I look up at him seeing a sad smile on his face. "Yeah? Is everything okay?" I ask him.

He hums a yes then looks at Spence. "Spence look behind you and tell me I'm seeing straight" Andrew tells him. Spence wearily nods then turns around as I stay looking at Andrew completely confused.

Spence turns back around and throws his arm over my shoulder. "Heather how's your food?" He asks me. "It's good" I nod.

"What's going on?" I ask them seeing them exchanging strange looks between each other.

"Heather don't turn around" Andrew tells me. I couldn't help it, when someone says not to do something we feel the urge to do it even more.

I quickly turn around and stare at what I see. It was Shawn, he was sat opposite some woman. A very pretty woman who was talking down to Luna. My heart skipped a beat when Shawn laughed at something she had said.

"I'm gonna slap his pretty face" Spence gets up, he quickly downs his wine and walks over with a certain sass.

"Andrew please" I turn to him with pleading eyes. Andrew gets up and I follow him.

"Listen Shawn fucking Mendes what the fuck do you think you're doing?" Spence shouts earning the attention of everyone. Andrew grabs Spence's arm and pulls him away but Spence shrugs him off turning back to Shawn.

"How dare you? You have the audacity-"

Andrew grabs Spence flinging his body over his shoulder, how on earth he managed that I have no idea. Shawn gets up and meets my eyes.

"Let's go" Andrew takes my hand rushing me outside. He puts Spence down then turns to me.

"Heather you are not going to cry" he tells me placing his hands at the sides of my face. I keep in my cries and nod.

"Spence lets go home" I tell him gulping. Spence puts a hand on my back rubbing it comfortingly. "Thanks for that Andrew, I would've beat the shit out of him right there" Spence says making me chuckle.

"No problem, now go home and rest up. Don't think about this Heather" he nods. I lean up and give him a hug. "Thank you and I'm sorry for ruining your dinner" I whisper not being able to talk or else I would've cried.

"Don't apologise, now go home" he tucks my hair behind my ear then lets me go. I hold on to Spence's upper arm as we go to my car getting in.

"Lets get fucking drunk" I roar the engine of my car, connect my phone blasting some music. "I love this Heather, bad bitch Heather!" He squeals.

My whole mind was a blur even when we got home. I kept seeing his face, the way he laughed and looked with such concentration when she spoke.

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