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"Relax, you deserve it Feather"
Heather Flores

"Wait what's with this code blue?" Paige asks walking in to the kitchen with a bottle of whiskey. "Paige please tell me you remember code blue?" I huff putting out three glasses on the marble counter.

"Yeah yeah your in need of a good get away, I got you sis but why" Paige pours the drinks. "Her dad is back and this bitch works all the time" Spence says walking in grabbing a glass.

"Cheers to that!" Paige lifts her glass and we all clink the glass together.

"So how's mr hottie?" Spence asks me as we make our way to my room. "Wait who's mr hottie!" Paige gasps sitting beside Spence.

"Oh let me tell you, so Heather walked in to Cakes N shakes and this absolute hottie walked in but he had a kid so I was like nah but Doctor Flores here" he points his glass at me.

"I didn't do anything, it was Shawn Mendes. I was looking after his daughter at work, Paige already knows" I shrug leaning back in my headboard. They both look between each other then crawl to either side of me.

"You know he's rich" Paige says.

"Dude owns a big ass company" Spence says.

"Ooh and he's hot" Paige butts in.

"Very hot, boys got a nice face" Spence clinks his glass against Paige's.

"And he was a daughter" I huff. "And I'm not interested" I shrug taking a large gulp of my drink.

"Not interested eh? That's why you went in and changed the sheets when you know the nurses do that?" Paige smirks making me heat up.

"And that's why you went to the park for like two hours after work when normally you just grab some cake and go home huh?" Spence teases poking my cheek as I blush.

"And that's what you're blushing Heather" Paige giggles.

"Guys Stop it, he has a daughter and you guys said it yourself he has a million dollar company, I'm... nothing to him" I sigh realising I won't see him again.

"But I saw it in his eyes babes and those eyes said he wants you" he points at me. "That's right he wants the doc"

I laugh leaning my head on my Paige. "I'm so lonely"

"You're always working Heather, that might be why" Paige says, I sense he sympathy in her voice.

"Yeah, take some time off. Relax, you deserve it Feather" Spence leans his head in my shoulder.

"How do you have a boyfriend Spence?" Paige asks making me laugh. "Erm you haven't seen my friend down there" Spence winks.

"Oh god Spence" Paige pretends to gag. "Oh please stop" I laugh putting my glass to the side. "Ahh can't handle dick talk huh? Maybe we should call Shawn?"Spence says lifting his head up.

"As if! You don't have his number and neither do I" I laugh twiddling the ends of my hair.

"But little miss smarty pants, he owns a million dollar company which I'm guessing has a website which will have a phone number" Spence takes his phone out of his pocket.

"Spence stop it" I warn. "or what?" Paige takes Spence's phone typing away.

"Paige Summers I will tell your mum about Florida" I raise an eyebrow and she drops the phone.

"Oh shit you really brought up Florida" Spence snaps his fingers. "You must really like this boy" Paige nudges me. 

"I don't, now excuse me I need to pee" I climb over Paige's legs getting off the bed.

"Oh she so likes him" Paige giggles. "Hell Yeah" Spence agrees.

"I can hear you guys!" I yell.

"And we can hear your heart beating for Shawn" Paige sings makings Spence laugh. I brush them off going in to the bathroom.
"Heather, I need room 13, 14 clearing and on the east ward all the patients need their daily checks and we need a new stock of bed sheets and we need to fire Linda and hire Kath" My dad says as we speed walk up to the the elevator.

"Oh and dinner tonight, me, you and Lola"

"But dad I finish early today, I need to file all this weeks work" I says stopping outside the elevator.

"Get Jake to do it, he's new and clueless" my dad shrugs. "Dad, Jake is the new secretary, I can't let him do it. I'll just have to do it on Sunday" I sigh.

"Aren't Sunday's your day off?"

"Not anymore" I shoot entering the lift. I rub my temples breathing in deeply and exhaling slowly, just like I read in my book.

I quickly exist the elevator running in to Linda, "oh Linda, here's your three day notice" I pass her the pink slip. "But why?" She asks her face dropping.

"You'll have to ask my dad, sorry I mean Doctor Flores. I'm really sorry Linda" I give her a sympathetic smile but she walks off nudging past me.

There's nothing I could do, my dad owns the place and whatever he says goes. "Ness, can you get me room 13 and 14 and sign in Paige to check the east ward and give a call back Kath she's starting Monday"

"You got it" she quickly writes down what I say and I begin to walk away. "Oh Heather?" I turn around to her. "Can I please have Sunday off, its my anniversary?"

I nod giving her a smile. "Just get Jake to fill in" she sends me a thank you and I walk away. I smile being happy for her, it makes me question how she balances relationships and work.

"Heather!" I hear, I turn to see Paige walking up to me. "Tonight, me, you, Spence and Will. Party at the Knocks Club" she grins linking arms with me as I enter the office.

"I can't I have dinner with Lola and my dad" I huff grabbing some fresh gloves. "Well cancel" she says standing beside the sink putting on some gloves ready to wash the tools.

"I can't, you know he'll kill me"

"Okay Sunday and there's no excuse I know that's your day off" she tells me grabbing the bacterial wash.

"Well because I have dinner tonight, I can't file this weeks work so I have to do it on Sunday" I tell her walking around her grabbing a check board.

"I don't know how you do it" Paige huffs. "I mean I only work four days a week and your practically married to your job"

I nod knowing how true it is and it's sad how she's right. "I have to go" I say grabbing a pen.

"Wait why? It's your break. Wait hold on let me guess, there's no breaks for you either?" Paige says.

"That's right, Kenya isn't here so I have to cover her" I say opening the door.

"Honestly Heather you deserve better" she sends me a smile. I walk out the room thinking about what Paige said. You're practically married to your job.

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now