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"Can I please make it up to you guys?"
Heather Flores

"Heather we need you in the room 4, ward 7" Someone shouts at me as soon as I exit my office getting of the phone with Shawn. "Heather can you file this please for Monday" someone else asks. "Heather what do we do for a patient who passed out on-"

My mind swirls around and my vision blurs. "Heather!" The bright lights make me blink fast and I bring up a hand blocking them out. "Heather!" I stand still trying to gain balance.

"Heather!" I snap looking up at my dad. "Dad" I mumble. "Heather, what's the matter?" He asks me putting some papers in my hand.

"I'm fine" I shake my head. "Good, we need these done my tonight" He snaps.

"Okay" I nod straightening the papers out. "I need to go to room 4, ward 7 first. Then file for Monday and help a patient who passed out" I say and my dad nods.

"Have it done by tonight" he says then walks off. I see Paige talking to Ness and they both send me a smile. "Guys, I know I always ask this but please can I-"

"Your coffee" Paige holds up the cup. "And your signed in for tonight" Ness tells me.

"Thank you" I let out sipping my coffee. "Now I gotta run" I say walking as fast as I can to do whatever needs to be done. It doesn't even phase me the amount of stuff I need to do. I'm used to it and I can't tell if it's a bad thing anymore.
I look down at my phone whilst walking to car in the dark. One fifty five am it read. I sit in my car and lean my head back closing my eyes.

Breathing in deeply, stretching my neck muscles. Suddenly my eyes open. "Shit no no no no" I grab my phone, I was suppose to meet Luna and Shawn.

I smack my head muttering how much of an idiot I am. I can't even call him now he must be sleeping, I wonder what he thinks of me. God I'm so stupid, that little girl must hate me.
Today is the only day I have off, well I'm supposed to have this day off but I have work to complete. I sit up in my bed stretching my legs, I look at my clock seeing it's ten am.

I get up quickly having a shower then I make my way downstairs, it was my Sunday tradition to have an actual breakfast. It might sound stupid but I don't get these things, I live off protein bars and coffee.

Quickly I make some pancakes, putting some Nutella and strawberries on top grabbing a glass of orange juice making my way to the living room.

I eat to my hearts content then sit back grabbing my phone. I'm dreading doing this bit I have to fix this, it's been eating at my brain since last night.

"Shawn?" I ask. "Heather hey, what's up?" His voice was raspy like he had just woke up, making my knees weak.

"I'm really really sorry about yesterday, I got caught up and I'm really sor-"

"It's okay Heather" he sighs, I hear Luna singing in the back.

"Can I please make it up to you guys?" I ask hoping he would say yes. "Make it up?" He asks. "Yeah If you're free today of course" I say.

"Yeah we're free, what did you have in mind? It's gonna take a lot, she still a bit upset and to be honest so am I" I hear the cheekiness in his voice making me grin.

"I'll text you an address, meet me there. I hope I make it up to you guys"

"Okay bye Heather"

"Bye shawn" I end the call and throw my phone to the side and grin. A smile I just couldn't stop from appearing in my lips.
I quickly run inside the shop, looking around thanking the gods they weren't here yet. "Heather! How are you?" Hobbs calls walking up to me. "I'm good Hobbs, I need a favour" I say giving him a cheesy smile.

"Well I do own the place, what do you want kid?" He pats my shoulder. "Shit they're here" I see Shawn holding Luna about to walk in. I quickly tell Hobbs and he nods walking behind the counter.

Luna runs up to me hugging my legs "Feather!" She giggles. "Hi Luna" I crouch down to her height giving her a hug. "I'm really sorry I didn't come to the park"

"It's okay me and daddy said sorry" she says, I smile nodding then stand up facing Shawn. "She means we accept your apology" he runs a hand through his hair.

"I'm glad" I smile at him.

"So we getting ice cream?" Shawn asks stepping closer. "Yes but first we're going to see how it's made" I say clapping my hands together.

"See how it's made?" Luna repeats. "Yep you wanna make some ice cream?" I ask her holding my hand out to her. She puts her small hand in mine and grabs Shawn's hand.

"Let's go!" She giggles.

Ayeeeee how's the book so far?

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now