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"You sooooo like her"
Shawn Mendes

"She's was a potential business partner, coming to pitch me her idea but I turned her away. That's all I promise" I tell her squeezing her hand gently.

"I'm sorry" she mumbles, my heart aches for her. "You don't have to be sorry it was just a misunderstanding" I smile then bring her hand up to my lips pressing a kiss to her hand.
The closest I've ever gotten to her.

"I'm glad I'm not connected to that heart monitor" she chuckles. "And why's that" I ask pretending to be clueless but I saw the pink in her cheeks and how her eyes sparkled.

She shakes her head laughing. "Where's Luna?" She asks me. "At my mums" she nods looking down at our joint hands.

"My car is completely destroyed" she sighs. "Oh at least your okay"I chuckles. "But my car" she pouts.

"It's okay I'll take you wherever you need to go" I squeeze her hand.

"What's up fuckers!" Paige yells walking in laughing to herself. "Here we got you some popcorn" Spence puts the bag on her lap. Heather looks down at it laughing.

"Listen we weren't going to feed you that whack from the canteen, you should really talk to your dad about that" Spence sits on the chair beside her.

"My dad" Heather mumbles under her breath. "Paige, tell Ness it's a code purple" Heather says, her eyes filled with worry.

"Code purple? You sure?" Paige asks, she nods and Paige walks away.

"Code purple?" I ask her and she looks at me like she forgot I was there. "Yeah erm, we have these codes between me, Paige, Spence and Ness" she sits up.

"Code purple is for her dad, so we don't want her dad to find out" Spence says grabbing the popcorn.

We hear the door open and shut, I see a doctor walk in and he's looking at Heather with a smile on his face.

"Heather you can go home tonight, I got your dismissal slip but erm because you don't have a car I can take you home if you like" the doctor says shrugging, I don't know who he is but he seems interested in Heather.

"I'm taking her home" I speak up and Heather looks at me, her teeth biting into her bottom lip.

"Oh okay well, her medication will be at the front desk" he nods. "Thank Andrew, I hope I see you around her more" Heather laughs and so does he. "See you around Flores" he smiles then walks away. I feel my grip on her hand getting tighter.

"Come on sis, lets help you get up" Spence stands up. "I got it" I stand up and Spence nods sitting back down. She removes the thin sheets and moves her legs over the edge, I take her hands in mine and she hops down, her body close to mine.

She walks normally but I move my hand to her back to let her know I'm here for her. She looks up at me grinning. "I'm fine, it was a minor accident" she giggles turning around.

"Here,your clothes" Spence holds up a bag. She lets go of my hands and walks over to Spence taking the bag. "I think that's the bathroom" I point.

"I know, I work here remember" she laughs, I scratch the back of my head looking down embarrassed. She walks away leaving me and Spence.

"You sooooo like her" Spence looks me up and down. "Between you and me she's not turning down the idea of you and her, if you know what I mean" he winks at me. My heart races and a smile tugs at my lips.

"Really?" I ask but before he can answer Paige rushes in with Ness. "He's...coming" She pants.

Heather walks out the bathroom now wearing leggings and an oversized hoodie. "What's up guys?" She looks between us.

"Is she here?" We all look towards the door and I'm assuming it's her dad that walks in. "Hi dad" Heather says walking over to the bed sorting it out.

"It was just a minor accident right?" He shoves his hands in his pockets. She nods turning around to face him. "Just fractured my wrist" she shrugs.

"Okay you have till Monday off" he says about to walk away. "Oh and remember those files, get well soon Heather" then he walks away. Everyone in the room looks at her, her face now slightly pale and she looks up trying to stop herself from crying.

"Here's the medication, I just thought I'd give it" Andrew walks in, he looks over at Heather then walks up to her. "Hey don't cry" he wraps his arms around her body and she cries softly in to his chest. My blood boils, Paige pushes me towards her but I shrug not knowing what to do. "C-can you erm give me the paper work for this" she asks Andrew stepping back but his  arm still rests around her shoulders.

"Don't worry about it, I'll do it and why don't you email me all the work you have. You rest up" he squeezes her upper arm.

"Thanks Andrew" she looks up at him smiling.

God I wish she was in my arms.

I gather up my confidence and walk over to her. "Come on let's go" she nods and hugs Andrew one more time thanking him.

She walks out the room and I follow behind her. "Get well soon babe, me and Paige will come see you soon" Spence hugs her as well as Paige then they leave.

I open the door for her letting her in then I jog to the other side. "Thanks for taking me home" she puts her hand over mine.

"Oh I'm not taking you home, you can sleep at mine. I'll take care of you doc" I wink at her and even though it's dark I see a smile appear on her face. "I don't have my clothes with me though" she giggles.

"Spence gave me that bag, he thought you were staying overnight so it has all your stuff in it" I tell her and start the car. She nods staying quiet putting her seat belt on.

My hand rests on her thigh and soon her hand goes over mine, intertwining our fingers together sending a warm feeling to my heart.

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now