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"You can check when I tell you"
Shawn Mendes

It's now June, me and Heather have been together for five months. Five blissful months, I saw her almost everyday wether it was her coming to me or me going to her. We slept over a few times and the more time we had together the more I was falling for her.

Luna also loved Heather, she told me herself. I was cooking dinner and she ran up to me showing me a picture she drew, it was of me and Heather. She told me 'I love Feather she's so pretty". I told Heather and she couldn't stop smiling.

I also asked her about the conversation she had with Aunt Kenna. She told me truth which I appreciated and I told her that I would never put that kind of pressure on her to act as a mother for Luna. She simply replied by telling me 'Luna is amazing and as long as I'm in your life, I'm in hers'.

I was now driving back from my mums place after I had dropped of Luna for the weekend, it had been a while since she had gone and my mum was dying to see her and she was doing me a favour, I wanted the weekend alone with Heather.

She told me she's taking today, Saturday and Sunday and maybe even Monday off. She said she could do this because last week she covered another doctor for a week plus her dad was going away with Lola so she was in charge.

I pull up to her house seeing three other cars parked outside which made me nervous, I didn't know other people would be here tonight.

"You're here" she giggles wrapping her arms around me. "Hi baby" I squeeze as I wrap my arms around her frame. "You smell good" she giggles then kisses my neck.

She takes my hand pulling me to her living room where six others sat. I recognised Spence who was holding hands with Matt, then there was Paige looking comfortable next to a blonde and two other guys. One kinda built with a dark coloured hair shoved in a man bun and the other also built who was ginger.

"Guys" Heather says they all turn around to look at me making me feel kinda insecure. Paige, Spence and Matt all greet me with a hug and the other three shake my hand. The man bun guy was called Jack and the ginger one named Scott and the blonde was Darren.

We all sit and talk, Heather sat on my lap. I pull her back kissing her cheek gently. "I didn't know others would be here"

"I know I'm sorry babe" she says playing with my hair. "It was kinda unplanned, we're gonna go to a club it's called The Knocks" she tells me.

"I've been before with some of my friends, why are we going?" I ask rubbing my hand on her jeans. "For fun, it's Friday" she giggles.

"Heather are you going to get changed before we go?" Spence asks her making her turn. "Erm Yeah" she looks at Paige probably deciding to get changed. "Good cause me and Spence left an outfit on your bed" Paige tells her.

"Yeah me and Scott helped too" jack says fist bumping Scott like it was an achievement. Heather nods getting up.

"You not gonna go with her mate?" Scott asks me. I look up at Heather seeing her now looking back at me. I nod getting up following her upstairs.

"Oh god I'm not wearing that" Heather laughs pointing to the bed. "Why what is-"

I cut myself off when I see a black leather skirt and a black lace body on the bed. "You should wear it" i tell her. She looks at me for a second then looks back down at the outfit.

"I've never seen you dress up" I say as I brush my hand against her bum as I walk past her sitting on the bed. "Okay" she whispers taking the outfit. Oh god is she about to change in front of me, I've never seen her body.

I know we've been together for a while but we still haven't had sex and I honestly wasn't rushing but if she was going to do this I don't think I could hold back from wanting to touch her body.

"I'm going to change here close your eyes" she says. She could've easily changed in the bathroom or guest room but the look in her eyes told me she wanted to have fun.

I put my hand over my eyes then separate my fingers jokingly. "Cover them" she giggles. "Okay okay no peaking" I keep my eyes shut and hand over my eyes. All I hear is her shuffling around.

Suddenly she throws something at me and giggles. I feel her move towards me and she straddles my thigh. She grabs the piece of clothing and shoves it in the inside pocket of jacket. She takes my hand moving it and my eyes open.

"You look so hot" I let out as my eyes take her perfect body. Her cheeks blush pink and she covers her face.

"Why are you hiding babe? You look amazing" I take her wrists moving her hands away. I pull her closer and my lips meet her plump ones.
She pushes me down now straddling my stomach as she falls down with me still moving against me lips.

I hold her bare thighs kneading my fingers at her skin.

"Come on guys!" Paige yells making her sit up. I sit up with her and kiss down her neck to the thin straps. "So gorgeous" I kiss her shoulder.

She bites done on her bottom lip sending me wild, she gets up and takes my hand pulling me up. "What did you put in my pocket?" I ask her.

"You can check when I tell you" she smirks then leads me downstairs where everyone is waiting

"Oh my god! Heather you should dress like this everyday" Paige grabs her hand leaving Darren giggling as they run outside. "Not so fast, I can't run in heels" Heather laughs letting go off me to hold Paige.

"We are so taking your car" Spence says locking up the door then walking over to Heather with Matt. "No way, we'll get an Uber. We're all gonna be drunk so no one is driving. Then after you can all sleep at mine" Heather says.

"Okay mom" Scott and Jack say together.

Soon we split in to three Uber's. Unfortunately I got stuck with dumber and dumber, Jack, Scott and Darren. Heather sat with Paige, Spence and Matt, Paige literally dragged her to the car not giving her a choice.

After ten minutes of listening to Scott talk about frat parties we finally made it to the club.

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now