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"I'm glad I could be the first"
Shawn Mendes

"Merci" I smile at the receptionist then walk over to my two tired girls, Heather was holding a sleeping Luna and of course Kelly was here she invited her husband as she didn't want to be lonely and I'm not cruel so I let her.

"Here you go Kelly" I hand her the room card. "Thanks Shawn we'll see you in the morning" she smiles then walks away with Frank, her man.

"And for us" I hold up our card. Heather nods grabbing her purse. I take her purse from her and the rest our luggage. "Come on love" I kiss her forehead and then she follows me to the elevator.

"You look so cute, all tired and adorable" I tell her putting down our bags. "Shut up at least you slept on the plane" she groans then turns away rubbing Luna's back. Wow I'm guessing she's cranky when she's jet lagged.

"Oh my poor baby" I put my hands on her waist turning her around. "I'm sorry that Luna wanted to play with you all through the flight, you could've told me and I would've taken her" I say brushing her hair back.

"You don't have to apologise, I loved that Luna wanted to sit with me. I'm just tired that's all and I'm happy we're here together" she says giving me a weak smile. The elevator doors open and she walks out and I follow with our bags.

I open the door and let her in first. "Holy shit Shawn" she gasps looking entering. She walks further forward and puts Luna in bed tucking her in.

Heather quickly turns to me pressing her lips to mine. "Why did you do this?" She asks me wrapping her arms around my torso.

"What do you mean?" I ask kissing the top of her head. "The petals, the expensive room, the champagne and all this fancy stuff" she says.

"Because you said you've never been to Paris so I'm making it the best trip ever, let me show you something" I take her small hand in mine and go to the balcony doors unlocking them.

We step outside and I close the door halfway just in case Luna wakes up. "Now stand here love" I take her hips and guide her to the edge of the balcony standing behind her. "This is amazing" she whispers.

The sight of the lit up Eiffel Tower, the specks of gold of the city lights, the half moon in the night sky surrounded by shining stars. It was all perfect.

I hear her sniffle and quickly turn her around to face me, seeing her shining eyes now watery threatening to spill. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask wiping her ears as they fall down her smooth skin.

"No" she shakes her head. "No ones done something like this for me" she says clearing her throat. "I'm glad I could be the first" I smile kissing her forehead.

"I love you" she tells me, oh how I love those sweet words escaping her precious lips.

"And I love you more Heather" I peck her lips then pull her body close to mine, the sweet smell of her perfume consuming me.

"Baby don't wake him up" I hear Heather say followed by a giggle from Luna. "But mummy I'm awake you're awake so we need to wake up daddy" she attempts to whisper.

"But that's not fair, look he's so tired love" Heather coos then I feel a hand on my cheek. "But mummy I wanna play" she huffs.

I don't hear anything for a second then Heather speaks up. "Okay darling".

I feel her lean down and her hand goes to my hair gently sweeping my curls away from my forehead. I feel her lips on my forehead.
"Shawn, wake up" she kisses me again

Oh this was so peaceful until I felt Luna jump on to me. "Daddy!" She yells. I open my eyes seeing her hair all over the place and a cheeky look in her eyes. I sit up setting her on my lap.

"Morning gorgeous" I kiss the top of her head. Then I turn to Heather putting a hand on her thigh under the sheets. "Morning" she smiles leaning forward peck my lips.

"Now why did my girls wake me up?" I ask looking down at Luna. "We need to play in the water" Luna says like it was obvious.

"Okay well go brush your teeth love then me and mummy will help you get ready" as soon as I finish talking she jumps off the bed going to the bathroom leaving the door open.

I quickly pin Heather down hovering over her. I kiss down her jaw to her neck. "Shawn" she whispers in my ear holding the sides of my face lifting me up. "What is it?" I ask her pressing my forehead against hers.

"Nothing" she hums then giggles as I go to kiss her lips. "Does a pool day sound good?" I ask her.

"A day where I get to see you with no shirt on? That's fine with me" she smiles running her hands down to my stomach. "And you in your bikini? Go get ready babe" I grin whilst kissing her lips one more time before she leaves my grip.

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now