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"I'll trade you five new words"
Heather Flores

I sat in Shawn's bed waiting for him as went downstairs to get me a glass of water. I insisted on going home or even sleeping in the sofa but he wouldn't let me.

My eyes wander the room, the bed was placed in the middle and the four walls covered in white paint and one with pictures hung up. The large window covered by grey curtains matching the grey wardrobe.

"Here you go" he walks in passing me the water. I thank him and drink the water then put it the side. "Erm I'll go sleep downstairs, just shout me if you need anything" he says about to walk away.

"Shawn this is your bed, come on we're both mature" I tell him. He nods turning around.

"I sleep without a shirt on, it's just that I get sweaty and I open the window a little but I won't if you don't want me to" he rambles I chuckle then shake my head.

"You can do whatever I won't stop you" I pull the covers up covering my bare legs, I wore a vest top and cotton shorts.

He turns around taking his shirt off, my eyes widen at the sight of his back. His muscles prominent as he moves to open the window. He turns around and I told myself not to look but my eyes wander down to his abs. His chiseled body just screaming for me to look.

I quickly snap as he pulls the covers up getting in beside me but keeping his distance. "I'm really not tired" he says turning towards me leaning his elbow on the pillow and putting his head in his hand. I lay down looking up at him, feeling the material of his pants touch my skin.

"How are you feeling?" His warm eyes coming in contact with mine. "Good, my back is a little sore but I'm good" I give him a small smile.

His hand comes in contact with mine, his fingers lacing with mine. "I can rub your back if you want" he tells me gently squeezing my hand. "It's okay" I didn't mean to whisper but I did.

He stares in to my eyes, my heart races as I start to feel more cautious of how I look. I avoid his eyes and look down at our hands. His large hand linked with mine, his tattoo clear on display. "You look pretty" his voice slightly raspy, my eyes flutter as I look at his lips seeing a soft smile appear.

"Thanks" I mumble then look up to see his eyes on my lips. My body heated up as I feel him move closer but I move with him as one of his legs goes over mine and my leg is between his feeling the warmth radiate of his body.

His hand supporting his head moves to my jaw, his thumb gently stroking my cheek. "So pretty" he mumbles moving the duvet over off my body pulling me closer, his one hand on my jaw and the other gently resting at my waist.

"I really like you Heather" his voice quiet making my heat skip a beat hearing the words leave his mouth. "And erm today when you didn't show up I felt sadness and then the call from Paige made my heart completely sink, seeing you in the hospital really had me worried even though you looked fine and had control" he chuckles. "Then that stupid doctor who hugged you I wished nothing more than to push him away and have you in my arms. The ride home with your hand in mine gave me comfort and right now, your body so close to mine it feels normal, natural" I watch all these words escape his mouth like silk, almost like the words were his to say and for my ears to hear.

"I like you too Shawn" I let out a nervous giggle. "I pour my heart out to you Heather Carly Flores and I get five words back" he chuckles.

"I can take those five words back" I take my hands up putting them at the side of his face. "How about I trade you?" He smirks.

"Trade me?" I have no idea what he means.
"I'll trade you five new words"

"Okay it depends what they are" I laugh unintentionally moving closer to his face, I feel his breath on my skin and our noses almost touch.

"I want to kiss you" I look down at his lips as he says the words. I nod and he leans closer to me. I gulp then lick my lips just before his sweet lips make contact with mine.

It was a slow kiss, the kind you want to last forever. It was perfect.

He moves closer to me putting a hand on my back as he lays me down slightly hovering over me. He puts his hand on my jaw moving me against him.

My hand goes to the back of his neck pulling him closer, I didn't see it coming but he grabs my thigh squeezing it making me open my mouth further allowing him to slip his tongue in.

We kiss for a while then I try to push him off as I need to catch my breath. "You okay?" He asks moving my hair behind my hair. I nod then pull him back down for a short kiss.

"You're amazing" I breath out as he lays beside me. He pulls me towards him so I can face him. "Good night Heather" he kisses my forehead then wraps his arm around me as I nuzzle in to his chest and his head rests on top of mine.

"Good night" I smile like crazy and thank the gods he can't see me looking like an idiot. His hand runs through my hair gently playing with my hair. He hums a soft melody, I bite my bottom lip and feel my eyes becoming heavy.

I fell asleep in his arms that night. I never felt safer or warmer.

They're finally together WOOP WOOP
This is my fave chapter 😭

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