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"Just a friend eh?"
Shawn Mendes

It's now Sunday and I know it's Heathers day so off and today I'm going to get Luna from my mum, my heart wants me to pick up my phone and ring her ask her how she's feeling, ask her if she's busy then ask her to spend the day with me.

So that's what I did.

She answered with a laugh, I'm not sure why but it made me laugh too. Now I'm waiting for her outside her house as she gets ready.

I see her walking outside, her hair down and she's wearing simple black jeans and a brown jumper, God she looks so cozy with that scarf and her boots.

She opens the door and gets in. "Hey Doc"
"Hi Shawn" she smiles, she leans over and gives me a quick hug which makes my heart race. "So where to?" She asks.

"To get Luna from my mums" I say and begin driving off. "How far away does she live?"

"Like an hour" I look over to her to see her already looking at me, she quickly looks down making me chuckle. "Can we listen to some music" she asks, I pass her my phone unlocking it. "Put on whatever you want"

She nods looking though my playlist. "You like John Mayer?"

"Oh yeah, he's a good guy"

"No way, don't tell me you've met him" she gasps and holds on to my arm dramatically. "Well..."

"Oh my god Shawn! That's so cool!" She exclaims putting on Love On the Weekend.

I hear her sing quietly to herself whilst looking outside, her voice was amazing. "You sound..."

"Horrible" she laughs but I shake my head no "I was going to say beautiful" I look over at her as we stop at the red light. Her cheeks now pink. "Oh" She gulps. "Well you also have a lovely voice, I listened to your song Perfectly Wrong, I love it"

"Thanks, I wrote it a while ago" I shrug looking back at the road. "Tell me about when you used to sing, the tours, the fans everything"

I can't believe she actually wants to know, I'm definitely falling for her even more now. "Okay well when I was..."
"Woah you had quiet the life huh" she laughs. "I did but what I'm doing now I love" I say as I park the car.

I quickly get out and help her from the other side. "Erm should I come in? I mean I can wait in the car" she looks down at her feet. "You'll be fine, I'm sure Luna wants to see you" I place my hand on her cheek making her look up. Her brown eyes meeting mine.

I ran my hand down her arm and link our hands. I lock the car and lead her up to the door. "Shawn I'll just go sit-"

"Daddy!" Luna giggles, the door opens and Luna runs up to me hugging my leg. "Hi Shawn" my mum hugs me.

"Hi I'm Heather" she shakes my mums hand. "Karen" my mum smiles. "Feather!" Luna tugs her scarf.

She crouches down hugging Luna. "I missed you" she tells Luna. "I told grandma about the ice cream, do you nemember?"

Heather chuckles "yeah I do" she bops her nose. My mum looks at me mouthing a few words to me about Heather.

"A friend" I mouth back, she raises her eyebrows looking down at her joint hands. Heather gets up looking at me with a smile. "Come in" my mum moves to the side letting us in.

I squeeze Heathers hand lightly and give her a warm smile as we walk to the living room. "I'll go make some tea" my mum says.

"I'll help" Heather follows her. "No no hun sit down"

"No it's okay" Heather shake her head following my mum. Luna climbs on to my lap giggling. "Daddy can we show Heather my toys" she asks me. "Of course we can" I kiss her nose.

"Shawn!" I hear my dad exclaim. I stand up giving him a hug. "Hi dad" I smile as we let go.

"Grandpa have you seen Feather?" Luna asks. "Is that one of your toy horses?" He asks.

I laugh shaking my head. "It's Heather, she's my friend. She's in the kitchen with mum" my dad nods going to the kitchen and I follow.

Heather was laughing with my mum about something but it stops when we walk in. "What were you laughing about?" I ask her standing behind her. "Nothing" she giggles.

I tug her wrist twirling her around so her hand lands on my chest. Her eyes flutter and she looks down at my lips then at how close we are, she looks at my mum then steps back. "Erm where the bathroom?" She asks.

"I'll show you" Luna shouts grabbing her hand taking her away. I run a hand through my hair watching her go.

"Just a friend eh?" My dad nudges me. "I don't know" I shrug looking up at him and my mum.

"Oh she definitely likes you Shawn" my mum says grabbing her mug. "She wouldn't stop blushing when I was talking about you plus she already loves Luna". I nod taking this all in.

Maybe we are more than friends but I don't know, right now I guess you could say we're at an awkward stage.

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now