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"Oh shit, we have a diagnosis doc"
Heather Flores

I look around following Shawn to the elevator, he presses the top button and we wait in silence going up, he keeps hold of my hand well I keep hold of him as I look through the glass seeing Canada lit up in the night.

I hear the ding and walk out with Shawn letting him for first. "The papers are on your desk and I got you a coffee it might take a while" the woman says then she looks over at me. "Hi I'm Kelly" she smiles.

"Heather" I smile. "Is she your girlfriend?" Kelly asks Shawn "no" he mumbles.

"That's not what it looks like" she looks down at our hands seeing both my hands wrapped around his one. "Whatever Kelly" he rolls his eyes and pulls me to his office.

"You're so telling me later!" She yells and Shawn shuts the doors and pulls the blinds down covering the glass. "Woah you have a really nice office" I say walking over to the large window seeing all the buildings lighting up the darkness. He stands behind me still holding my hand. "It's nice" I mumble.

"So pretty" I look up seeing him looking down at me. I clear my throat taking my hand back to tuck loose hair behind my ear and I look down at how close he is to me.

"You should get started, Kelly said it would take long" I say and he sighs then nods walking to his desk.

"Here" he holds up his coffee. "It's okay I don't want it" I say leaning against the window looking outside. "So why'd you have to rush here?" I ask.

"Last minute paper work, we're signing some new people" he says grabbing a pen.

"Can I help with anything?" I sit opposite him twirling in the chair. "Luna does that" he chuckles.

"She always wants me to twirl her in the chair" he smiles. "And I've got everything but thanks" I nod looking down at my phone seeing Paige messaging me.

Nurse Summers💛:Your dad asked where you were

I said you felt sick

He wants me to drop of some stuff to you, so I'll come round later tonight.

And I'm sleeping over hun

Spence is coming too be there soon x

Love you x

She sent the messages five minutes ago so she must be on her way. I look up at Shawn and i don't feel like leaving him.

"Erm Shawn"

"Yeah?" He looks up at me. "I need to go" I say getting up. "Oh why?" I can't tell if he looks upset or not.

"Paige and Spence are coming over, my dad sent me work that I have to do" I mumble buttoning my coat. "Oh okay I'll see you later" he smiles, he gets up walking towards me. His arms around my body and he pulls me in.

"Bye heather" damn he smells so good and gives good hugs.

"Bye Shawn" I smile letting go off him.
"Bitch we've been standing her for ten minutes!" Spence say as I run up to the door. "Sorry sorry" I mumble opening the door for them letting the in.

"Where were you?" Paige asks me. "Erm with Shawn" I say taking off my coat.

"Oh I thought he took you home?" Spence asks.

"He did, Then he had to go to work so I dropped him off since he didn't have his car" I shrug and they both raise their eyebrows at me.

"Is that all?" Paige asks. "No smooching?"

I shake my head no. "I mean we held hands"

"Are you twelve or twenty one?" Spence laughs and Heather hits him. "Shut up, I don't even know if he likes me"

"Wait so you like him?" Paige gasps.

"Oh we called it" Spence claps his hands.

"Maybe I don't know he's so sweet and kind and a good listener and when I see him with Luna my heart melts"

"Oh shit, we have a diagnosis doc" Paige says.

"Heather Carly Flores, diagnosed with love" Spence jiggles his shoulders making kissing noises.

"I'm not in love" I push him away. "Right, new diagnosis, Heather Carly Flores diagnosed with falling for a man, the symptoms are blushing when man is named, giggling at everything he says, holding hands-"

"Shut up" I laugh playfully shoving them both but all night they didn't stop and I couldn't stop blushing.

Ugh what's happening to me?

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now