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"You got it captain"
Heather Flores

Shawn stood close to me watching as Luna helped Hobbs mix the mixture. My heat raced for some reason and I felt nervous.

"She's so enthusiastic about this" I laugh looking at her take the spoon off Hobbs. "She really is, she has a sweet tooth" Shawn says looking towards me.

"Yeah me too" I says then let out a small yawn. "Tired huh?"

"You bet, that's why I couldn't make it yesterday, I had so much to do and I still have to file some work when I get home which will take me forever" I complain.

"Oh you seem very hard working" he shows me his pearly whites. "Yeah, I get that a lot" I shrug.

"Feather look we can eat it!" Luna giggles licking the spoon. "So what do we do now?" I ask her. "Sprinkles!" She yells making me and Shawn laugh.

"Okay I'll put them in our bowls then we can decorate them" I tell her separating the chocolate ice cream in to three different bowls. Luna stands in the middle of us as we put our topping on.

I look up and see Shawn smiling at me or maybe I'm crazy. "What?" I ask. "Nothing" he shakes his head grabbing his bowl and spoon. We all sit at a booth, me and Shawn on one side and Luna in the other side.

"This is so good" Shawn hums. "Mine is better" I say taking a spoonful. "No way, here" he holds up his spoon bringing it to my lips. I look in to his honey eyes they take the ice cream. "Okay it is good but mine is still better" I say taking my spoon holding it up to him. He takes it in his mouth whilst keeping his eyes on me.

"Daddy I want some!" Luna says making us both look away. He feeds her some of his ice cream making her giggle.

"I had so much fun" I tell Shawn. "Me too and thanks for this" he smiles at me.

"It's okay, I should be going I have tons of work to do" I say grabbing my bag.

"Feather are me and daddy going to your house?" Luna asks. I look between them seeing Shawn run a hand through his hair not looking at me.

"Yeah, you can follow my car. Come on let's go" I say and Luna quickly stands up.
"Nice place" Shawn comments as we walk inside and I shut the door. "Thanks" I smile.

"Erm come on" I lead them to the living room and Luna jumps on the bean bag in the corner and Shawn sits beside me.

"So Heather I hope you don't mind me asking but how old are you?" Shawn asks me.

"I'm twenty one" I say. "Wow and you're a head doctor, that's amazing"

"Yeah well I got all my qualifications and my dad owns the hospital so erm it has its perks" I shrug. "What about you?" I ask.

"I'm twenty three"

"So you had Luna when you were twenty?" He nods looking over at her. "Yep, her mother was my girlfriend at the time I guess, we broke up and she came to tell me she was pregnant on my birthday. I was shocked but I was so happy" he chuckles

"She stayed for six months after she was born and then she left" he shrugs. "Oh I'm so sorry that must've been hard but you've done an amazing job, Luna is perfect"

He gives me slight smile. "I had my mum and sister help me and like my cousins and aunties they were all very supportive so Luna has my family" my heart aches for him.

"I don't care about her mother, she's not her mother to me. She chose to leave and in my eyes she's worthless to me and Luna"

I nod then put my hand over his seeing his eyes becoming teary. "You raised her so good, she's perfect Shawn" I tell him.

"Thank you" he clutches my hand.

"Daddy can we watch something" Luna asks and Shawn pulls his hand away and my feeling of warmth goes away. "But first lets help Heather sort out her work" he says placing her on his lap.

"You guys don't have to help" I say. "It's okay just tell us what to do, we're here right Luna" he gives her a kiss on the top of her head which just makes me melt.

I nod then walk out the room grabbing my files then returning with them. "Okay Luna, you just have to put all the pink papers together and all the white ones together" I tell her passing her some random papers, just to involve her.

Shawn notices and laughs. "And you have to draw a picture on this paper" I give her a pencil that I had. She grabs the stuff sitting on the floor with it.

"And Shawn I don't need anything from you" I say sitting down beside him again. "Oh please let me help" He pleads.

"Erm Okay, at the end of every page you just need to confirm it's been checked by me and write the date" I say and he nods.

"You got it captain" he nods grabbing a pen.

Whilst working I look up at him a few times, seeing him watch Luna or sometimes I would catch him staring and it made me completely subconscious. He would make small jokes and smile at me. He made my heart flutter and I don't even know why.

I ship them so bad , hehe get ready

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now