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"I am a doctor, this is my hospital. It's my job to know"
Heather Flores

"Paige you know I'm back tomorrow" I chuckle holding my phone up to my ear as i helped Luna build a castle.

"I know Heather-"

"Luna please don't do that" I tell her off. "Sorry Paige what was that?"

"Mummy can I get some juice" Luna asks me standing up. "Yeah sure, one second hun I'll help you" I tell her, she gets up going to the kitchen.

"I'm so sorry Paige" I chuckle cleaning up the Lego's and I put my phone on speaker putting it down.

"Heather, Shawn's at the hospital" her voice was so clear and loud. "What?" I grab my phone holding it up to my ear.

"He got rushed in literally two minutes ago" she says. The feeling in my stomach urges me to run up to the sink, I throw up all my breakfast, I stand up and then hear a loud smash followed by a cry.

I drop my phone rushing over to Luna, she stood with glass surrounding her on the floor.

"Don't move darling" I grab the closest rag and lean on the floor sweeping it away. I pick her up and put her to the side holding on to her.

She hiccups in to my chest holding on to me tightly. I hush her as I rub her back then feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"Luna honey, please don't cry. Look how about we go see uncle Spence and uncle Matt?" I ask her. She nods wiping her face.

"Mummy I'm sorry for breaking the glass" she looks in to my eyes with her big warm honey eyes. "No no it's okay love, lets get changed then we can go" she nods taking my hand.

I grab my phone off the counter and hold it up. "Paige I'm so sorry" I try to keep in a sob.

"Heather what happened? Is everything okay?" She panics. "Everything is okay, I-I just threw up and Luna dropped a glass. I'll be there soon" I end the call and begin to dress Luna and myself.

I do everything as fast as I could, I buckle in Luna and drive to Spence's place. He opens the door immediately with a smile that quickly falls.

"Spence, I need you to look after Luna" I tell him. He nods giving her a hug and telling her to go in. "Heather what happened?" He engulfs me in a hug and I start crying.

"Shawn's in the hospital" I sob.

"Oh honey, you need to go. Should I drive?" He asks me.

"No I need you to stay with Luna please" I nod wiping my face. "Anything you want, now go and keep me updated" he squeezes my shoulders.

The whole ride there felt hours away, the thought of him being there, I have no idea what's happened to him but being in a hospital is never a good thing.

"Heather, room 7 floor 2" Paige tells me. "Come with me" I ask. She nods walking beside me as we get the lift.

"What happened?" I dreaded asking this but I had to know. "He passed out". My heart skips a beat.

"The reason?" I ask

"Apparent stress but his secretary won't say" she says.

"Heart rate?"

"Normal" she replies.

"His vitals?"

"Perfect but Heather this isn't time for you to go all doctor mode, you need to be there for him" she says as we walk out the elevator.

"I am a doctor, this is my hospital. It's my job to know" I lash out.

"I know Heather but do you want Shawn to be greeted by Doctor Flores or the woman he loves?"

Oh no it's happening again, I quickly go over to the bin and throw up. I feel Paige pull my hair back rubbing my back. "Shit, are you okay?" She asks as I lift my head up.

"Yeah I'm fine" I nod. "Here" she hands me some chewing gum and some water from the dispenser. I gurgle and spit then take the chewing gum. "I'm scared to see him Paige, I've seen so many people in these rooms but this one scares me" I admit.

"Of course you're scared and that's okay. You love him Heather and he needs you so go" I nod then walk over to the room as stable as I could. I knock twice then walk in.

"He's okay, just resting" Andrew says signing a clip board. I've never been happier to see Andrew, I trusted him to take care of Shawn.

"Thank you" I give him a smile. "I'll leave" he nods then walks past me.

I take deep breaths then walk over to him. My heart clenches seeing him hooked up to the heart rate monitor, I know it's standard procedure but he's the man I love, I don't ever want to see him like this.

I gently take his hand and link our fingers together. "I'm so happy you're okay" I whisper kissing his knuckles. I swipe his loose curls away from his eyes and run my finger down his jaw.

He suddenly opens his eyes and a smile sets on his face. "Heather" he whispers.

"Shawn, how are you feeling?" I ask rubbing my thumb over his hand. "Okay" he nods.

"I hate you for scaring me like that" I let out a cry. "No don't cry love, I'm okay" he nods sitting up taking both my hands.

"Of course I'm going to cry, I love you"

I feel him kiss my forehead gently and leaves his lips to linger against my skin. "And I love you".

"Is this all okay? I can get you moved up to a suite? Or even have different comforters? Or get you dismissed tonight?" I ask him sitting on the bed in front of him.

"I'd like to go home" he nods a small smile settling on his lips. "I'll file it now, just tell me why you're stressed? Your reason for passing out was stress" I tell him.

"Just work love" he reassures me but it didn't sound right. I nod getting up going over to his clip board. "What are you doing?" He asks.

"My job" I giggle. "Right, thank you doctor Flores" he smirks watching me as I check all the machines and his record.

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now