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"I'm not your girlfriend, this is so embarrassing"
Shawn Mendes

I might sound like a creep but hear me out. I got out of bed going to the bathroom then when I returned she had her head on my pillow, her lips slightly parted and a hand now where my body was. I slowly walk up to the bed bringing her hand up as I get back in beside her.

My eyes stay glued to her, I don't stare, I admire her beauty. The soft snores escaping her pink lips, her long lashes curling up against her skin. Her hair sprawled all over.

I put my arm around her body again pulling her closer to me. I try so hard to resist the urge but I give in when I lean in pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Her body shuffles against mine, her arms tighter against my torso. "Stop moving".

I chuckle holding her close. "Okay" I whisper.
"How long have you been awake?" She asks speaking in to my bare chest.

"An hour"

"Why didn't you wake me up?" She looks up my eyes finally meeting her light brown warm orbs. "You looked so cute and tired" I kiss her nose.

She giggles kissing my nose back. "Is this what we're doing now?" Her voice slightly raspy. "Kissing each other?" I ask raising an eyebrow. She hums a yes. "If you want"

She nods then kisses my cheek, I feel myself instantly heat up. "Where's the bathroom again?" A grin clear on her face, her pearly whites on display.

"You can use mine, through that door" I point, she nods getting up but before she walks away her body leans down and she holds her hair back as she kisses my forehead gently. "Morning" a giggle escapes her lips then she walks away.

Leaving me staring at the ceiling wondering how Heather Flores is in my life.
"My mum is going to drop of Luna, she's going to be here in like fifteen minutes" I tell Heather, she cuddled up to my body as we watch Jurassic Park.

"Okay, I can go if you want" she speaks up pausing the movie. "Why would you do that? You've met my mum before" I say kissing the top of her head. It felt good just kissing her now, without having to worry that I couldn't.

"But I'm your girlfriend now and I'm nervous, I was nervous the first time but now I feel like I might pass out" the words leave her mouth at a hundred miles per hour but I catch on to one.

"Heather" she hums looking up at me laying her head on my lap and her legs stretched out.

"Girlfriend?" Her cheeks brighten up, she brings her hands up to her face hiding herself. "Oh god I'm sorry" she groans.

"Why are you sorry?" I ask confused. She takes her hands away letting me see her face, her gorgeous face.

"I'm not your girlfriend, this is so embarrassing"

I shake my head join our hands together. "Heather, be my girlfriend"

Her eyes widen as she looks at the words escaping my mouth. "Really? Are you sure?" She raises an eyebrow. I nod leaning down to kiss her pink lips. "Okay" a whisper escapes her mouth, I feel her lips move against mine.

I pull back, a smile appearing on my face. "Are you happy?" She asks me. "I am now" I chuckle kissing her lips once more before I hear a knock at the door.

"Hold on" I get up quickly and she sits up fixing her hair. Unlocking the door Luna greets me by hugging my legs, I crouch down picking her up into my arms. "Hey princess" I kiss her cheeks. "Daddy, I got a new horsey it's called Jelly and auntie Aaliyah took me to the park and we saw a big yellow doggy then I slept with grandpa on his chair and grandma made dinosaur pasta-"

"It all sounds amazing but do you want to come inside and tell me" I kiss her button nose. She nods running inside, I hear her squeal and Heather laugh.

"Hi mum, come inside" I hug her. "It's okay, I'm going to get my nails done. I'll see you soon though" I nod. "Okay thanks for taking care of Luna, bye" I shout as she walks to her car.

I shut the door and make my way to the living room but I don't see Luna or Heather. "Where are you guys?" I laugh hearing them giggle behind the sofa.

"Okay I'll just go get some ice cream on my own" I yell pretending to walk out the room. "No daddy!" Luna pops her head up.

"Ah got ya" I walk over to them. "Run" Heather giggles, Luna runs to the other side and Heather follows her. I grab Heathers waist pulling her in to me.

"Shawn" she giggles holding on to my arms. I look around the room seeing Luna left. "Give me a kiss first"

She twirls around. "Close your eyes" she mumbles. "Why?"

"Just do it" I close my eyes but wrap my arms around her waist locking her in place. I feel her breath on my skin then her lips hover over mine.

"Feather run!" I hear. I open my eyes seeing how close Heather is to me. I quickly peck her lips and throw her over my shoulder.

"Daddy let her down!" Luna yells tugging my leg. "But she's mine now" I tell her.

"Let me down Shawn" Heather laughs playfully hitting my bum. I gently let her down on the sofa and Luna climbs on to her lap.

"Can you braid my hair?" Luna's green eyes go wide. "Of course I will"

"Daddy can you get my pink hair brush and the Pom Pom hair bobbles" her smile big. "Okay" I walk away and then look back to see Luna looking up at Heather as she kisses her nose making Heather laugh.

My heart flutters seeing my girl with Heather. Well I guess their both my girls now.

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