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"if you ever do something to hurt her I will surgically remove your brain"
Shawn Mendes

"I'll see you later babe" she kisses my cheek. "And you Luna" she turns and blows her a kiss. She leaves the car and I watch until she gets in. "Okay Luna mission get Heathers dad permission is in action" I tell her.

"What pe-mer-shon?" She asks me. I lord my daughter is just too cute. "It doesn't matter darling" I laugh, I get out then help her out. Her small hand holds mine and we make our way to the hospital we're immediately spot Ness.

"Hi ness I'm here to see Richard" I smile at her. "Oh Doctor Flores he's in his office, first floor the second door, says him name on the door" she tells me i thank her then walk away but she shouts my name making me turn around. "Shawn if you even hurt her again I will break your legs" she tells me shoving past me. "And have a good day Luna" she smiles down at her. "Bye auntie ness!" Luna shouts.

I shake my head and finally make it to his office. I take a deep breathe then knock, "Daddy Who is it?" She asks me when we both hear a faint "come in".

I open the door seeing Richard sat at his desk. "Oh hi Shawn" he stands up giving me a hug then one to Luna. I'm so glad he likes me, well I think he does.

"What can I help you with? You know Heather is in her office" he tells me sitting down. I sit down and put Luna on my lap. "Yeah I know I wanted to talk to you about Heather actually" I say.

"Shawn if your asking to marry her I want to tell you-"

"Oh no sir that's not it" I laugh. "I mean I would hope to marry her someday but not right now"

"Okay good I was worried then, it would've been too soon" he says. Oh shit did Heather tell him what happened on my birthday, i don't think she did as he seems to be acting normal. I thank my much stars that she didn't.

"I wanted ask if she could have five days off from the fourteenth to the nineteenth" I say, I added an extra day so we could come home and relax.

"What for?" He asks. "Well I have a business matter to attend in Paris and I'd love to take her with me. She works too hard which we both know" he nods slowly weighing something down.

"Shawn, I know what happened the day of your party and yes I was disappointed and I didn't think she would forgive you, she doesn't just trust in anyone so I'm guessing there's something about you. She can have the days off but if you ever do something to hurt her I will surgically remove your brain" he says with a stern look on his face.

"I never meant to hurt her and we've made up now, I really love her and I want to thank you for trusting me with her" I say smiling. He shoots me a small smile then puts his glasses back on.

"Now get out of here and tell her" he tells me laughing. I get up and shake his hand and Luna runs around to give him a hug. "Oh Luna I got you a gift" he says pulling something out of his draw.

He hands her the box and her eyes go wide. "Daddy look!" She shows me the box displaying a ballerina doll. "Thank you" she hugs him again then grabs my hand.

"Thank you again Richard" I smile then walk out.

"Can we go see mummy now!" She jumps up and down. "I want to show her the dolly" she smiles.

"Come on" I take her hand and we go to heathers office, I knock and wait for a response. "Come in" I hear.

I walk in seeing Andrew leaning against the desk looking down at Heather as she writes down something. She looks up and a smile is immediately placed on her face.

She gets up walking around her desk and crouches down to Luna. "Hi my love" Heather kisses her cheek and Luna wraps her arms around her neck. "Hi mummy" Luna gives her a kiss on the cheek then Heather gets up.

She leans towards me kissing my cheek. "Hi handsome" she whispers in my ear as she gives me a hug. "Gorgeous" I tell her pecking her lips.

"Hi uncle Andrew" Luna waves up at him taking a seat on heathers chair. "Hey sunshine" he smiles at her.

"Erm Andrew we can carry on another time, that was great" Heather smiles taking a few folders passing them to him. "Oh thanks for this by the way" he smiles then leaves the room.

"What was that about?" I ask her taking her hand in mine. "I'm just teaching him a few techniques when operating or meeting a patient" she shrugs taking my other hand.

"You look happy" she tells me placing a hand on my jaw. "I am" I grin kissing her sweet lips again and again.

"What is it?" She giggles wrapping her arms around my torso.

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now