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"Ah we been knew sis"
Heather Flores

I lean over the console of Shawn's car pecking his lips. "I'll see you later" he winks. "Thanks for the ride" I kiss his lips again but he holds me or a longer kiss making my stomach twirl.

"Bye babe" he kisses my forehead then lets me leave. I see him put on his sunglasses and he doesn't drive away until I'm inside.

"Doctor Flores?" Someone calls. I turn seeing Andrew walking my way with a grin plastered on his face. "How are you feeling?" He asks me.

"Good, how was things around here" I chuckle looking around. "Not the same without you doc, anyway here's all the work you emailed me and if you ever need help again let me know" he smiles.

I nod thanking him. "Thanks Andrew, I have to rush now I have a patient in my office" I say whilst walking away. I reach my office walking in to see Paige, Ness and Spence.

"Guys I have an appointment in ten minutes" I say as I walk around my desk. "Bitch we missed you!" Spence almost screams grabbing me in to a bone crushing hug. "Spencer Ferguson you're killing me" I laugh.

"What about us! It's like you went in to hibernation over the weekend" Ness laughs, her and Paige joining the hug. I laugh awkwardly and we all sit down.

"You're coffee" Ness places it on my desk. "I already had some but thanks Ness" I smile logging on to my laptop.

"Wait a minute" Paige says making us all look at her. "You never have time for coffee in the morning" she finally lets out.

"And you're actually smiling and you-" Spence leans closer to me smelling me weirdly. "You smell like men's shampoo when girl we all know you use Herbal Essence coconut" Spence claps his hand.

"And you're phone is exploding with messages" Paige says and we looks down at my phone I quickly grab it putting it in the draw.

"Who is it?" Ness asks.

"Guys stop" I try to brush them off.

"Is it Imran? that nurse? He seemed pretty flirty at the copy machine" Paige raises her eyebrows. "No Paige"I laugh.

"Wait it was obviously Andrew! Doctor hottie got the hots for you and you guys totally went back to his bachelor pad and di-"

"Oh god no Spence!" I quickly shut him up.

The three look at each other then at me, the lightbulb moment.

"Shawn!" They say in sync

"But he has a daughter so you guys can't have fucked" Spence shakes his head and my cheeks heat up.

"And you would've had a glow, trust me I sense the glow" Ness says and the two nod at her.

"But why was he called Shawn with a red heart and texting you calling you babe?" Paige says, the three of them staring at me and I'm about to break.

"Me and Shawn are dating" I crack.

"Ah we been knew sis" Spence laughs. "So Doctor Flores let someone in?" Paige smirks.

"Well tell us then! What is he like?" Ness giggles.

"Well he's so sweet..."

I trail off, a smile never leaving my lips as I tell my friends about the boy I'm falling for.
"Surprise!" Luna giggles running in to my arms. "What are you doing here gorgeous?" I peck her cheeks holding her in my arms.

"We wanted to see you and take you home. Paige texted me saying you finish now" Shawn  sends me a smile. "Oh, thanks" I grab my keys and bag still holding Luna on my hip.

We walk out and Luna plays with my hair as I set her down the counter at the reception. "Sign me out please Ness" I tell her she nods clicking something on her computer.

"Shawn, if you ever do something to her let's just say I know how to medically remove balls" Ness squints her eyes at Shawn and he looks at me with his cheeks heated up.

"What's balls?" Luna asks me as I pick her up and she leans her head on my shoulder making Ness laugh.

"Doctor Flores!" Someone exclaims. I turn seeing an old woman walking up to me.

"It's so lovely to see you! I'm doing so well after your sorted my hip" she smiles her wrinkles now more prominent. "Oh Mrs Jenkins, you look great" I smile at her

"Oh is this your daughter? She's adorable" her hand reaches up pinching Luna's cheek. "And your husband, he's very handsome" she nudges his elbow.

"No Mrs Jenkins, I-I'm just-"

"She's quiet the sight herself eh" Shawn smirks at me. "She's beautiful, what a beautiful family. Anyway I need to get going" she waves walking off.

"Really?" I raise my eyebrow at Shawn. He laughs putting a hand on my back squeezing gently.

"Excuse me can the beautiful family please move out the way you're blocking the reception" Ness says. I nod and begin walking away, I hear Luna's small snores near my ear and look to see her plump lips slightly parted.

"Here I've got her" Shawn takes her off me putting her in her car seat and shuts the door. He pushes me against the car and greets my lips with a wet kiss.


He hums a yes looking up at my eyes, his light eyes sparkling. "You look really handsome" I say biting in to my bottom lip.

"Thanks hun and you look amazing, all the time" he tucks my hair behind my ear kissing my cheek. "Oh please this is my face after 12 hours of work, starting at 6 and finishing at 6 is not pretty" I laugh.

"But you look so good" he grins. "Get in the car and start driving mendes" I peck his cheek then get in the car. A smile not leaving my lips.

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now