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"I brought the date to you"
Heather Flores

"Good night babe" I blow him a kiss and watch till he walks inside. I drive home and enter the cold of my home. Everything was untouched and lonely. I quickly call Spence and Paige promising them food if they came over.

It hadn't even been 10 minutes and they were both in their pyjamas lying on my sofa making themselves comfy as they took all the junk food I had and we're watching Suits. I squish between them grabbing the popcorn.

I see Spence look over at Paige and she pauses the show, both of them now looking at me.

"What is it?" I ask taking more of the popcorn. Spence takes the popcorn off of me.

"Why did you call us over?" He asks me. "I wanted to see my besties" I shrug.

"Heather" Paige pressures me.

"Okay let's just say hypothetically" I begin knowing they'll get it out of me sooner than later. "Yeah hypothetically" Spence says.

"Let's say Paige meets someone and he has a dog" I say.

"What kind of dog?" Paige asks, I look at her taking my eyebrow. "What I need to know" she shrugs.

"It's a German shepherd" she smiles excitedly like it was real. "And now you're with him, does the dog then become Paige's responsibility?" I ask.

"Well duh, you're gonna have to feed it and occasionally take it for walks" Paige says. "But he bought the dog, the dog is living in his home, Paige doesn't have to buy it treats and waste her time taking care of it, I mean yeah she can pet it or whatever but it's not her responsibility" Spence says. Me and Paige look at Spence like where had this come from.

"Oh stop looking at me like that, I know I'm handsome. Now Heather the real story please" he says leaning back. "I'm with Shawn, he has a daughter and we become serious then what do I become to Luna, do I have to take on the roll as a mother" I ask.

"Holy shit this way more deeper than just a dog" Paige gasps. "Heather hunny, if he wants you in his life then he wants you in hers. When you do become serious you'll know what to do, don't stress about it" Spence says taking a sip of his water.

"Spence are you okay? You keep saying smart things" Paige laughs. "Oh I ain't just good for milkshakes" he winks. He then pulls me in for a hug so I lean on his side then Paige leans on me.

"Now start it, I wanna see what happens to Donna" Spence says.
"I need you sit up sir" I tell my patient. He slowly gets up, his hands still shaking a little. "Mr Smith, can you tell me the last thing you remember" I get ready to take notes.

"My wife and me we're on our way to see our son, he's having a baby and then I passed out when we got there" he tells me.

"That's incredible that you remember" I smile at him. "You were out cold for four days sir and your wife didn't go home at all. I'm going to go check your meds now and I'll send her in. Rest up" I tell him leaving the room.

"Mrs Smith, he's okay. He's very strong and his memory is all there, try not to worry him about anything. You can go in now" she hugs me tightly wiping her tears then enters the room.
I smile to myself then turn around.

"Shawn?" I ask seeing him stood a few feet away from me. "Why are you here? Is everything okay? Where's luna?" I quickly ask walking over to him, he cuts me off by pressing his lips to mine.

I pulls back looking around to see no one around. "I'm here to see you" he tells me. I'm probably smiling like a fool but I couldn't care less. "Come on" I pull his hand taking him to my office where I take of my white coat leaving me in my pale blue scrubs.

"How was it today? That women seemed really happy" Shawn says leaning forward on the chair. "It's all good, her husband was in a coma and his recovery was amazing" I say filing his papers.

"That's great" Shawn says a twinkle in his eyes. "Oh erm I'm here because I wanted to ask you something" he plays with his hair setting it messier on his head. "What is it?" I ask looking towards him giving him my full attention.

"You know, I haven't really taken you on a first date yet" he says. I feel myself blush when he says those words. "That's okay" I tell him but he quickly disagrees shaking his head no.

"No, I want to take you out tonight"

I feel a pang of guilt. "I-I'm working late tonight, I get off at eleven" I say looking at him in his eyes. "Can we reschedule for tomorrow?" I ask. "I have meeting all day and you'll probably be tired" he sighs. "It's okay, we don't have to" I get up leaning on the table in front of him.

"Yeah, I'll see you later babe" he gets up kissing my cheek then leaves making me feel incredibly guilty.

It's now ten pm and all I think about is how I should be on a date with Shawn. Maybe we would go to eat or go watch a movie or even a long walk but now I can only imagine.

"Heather quick" Paige grabs my arm as I exist a patients room. "What is it?" I ask frantically. "An emergency, room 1, east ward, first floor" she tells me as she drags me.

"But that room is free, it's not booked in until-"

We reach the room and she spins me around. She takes my clip board, pen, files and takes my bobble out of my hair making my hair cascade down my shoulders. "Paige what are you doing?" I ask.

She turns me around pushing open the door. "Wh-what?" I gasp. "Don't have too much fun" Paige shoves me then walks away.

I look around the room a few candles and petals on the bed, a brown blanket and food on top. My eyes meet his and I pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming.

"Shawn" I whisper walking towards him. He moves the bouquet of sunflowers towards me grinning. I take them looking down.

"How'd you know?" I ask. "Paige told me" he says. I put the flowers down then put my arms around his shoulders my hand at the back of his neck. I lean up on my toes and his hands holds my back as my lips press against his.

He moves our bodies so I'm up against the wall and he kisses deeper swiping his tongue on my bottom lip. I moan quietly then he pulls back.

"I brought the date to you" He grins. I put my small hand against his face rubbing his cheek with my thumb. "You look so handsome" I admire. "And you look beautiful" he leans down kissing my forehead.

He takes my hand leading me to the hospital bed where the blanket was. "I know it's not romantic but-"

"It's perfect" I tell him sitting between his legs as he sat down. I lean my head back on his chest taking it all in. He went though all this for me.

"Before you panic, Paige is taking your last appointment" he tells me. I nod sitting up grabbing a strawberry, I hold it up to his lips letting him take a bit. He takes it from my hands then gives it me. I take a bite giggling then move his hand so I could kiss his lips, his sweet lips.

"How did you get candles in here, they're a fire hazard" I say looking around. "There's only five and plus they're artificial Paige said she would send me home if I came in here with lit candles" I laugh knowing that Paige would actually send him home.

"Now can you kiss me again" he pouts using his hand to move my face closer to his. I nod moving in closer to kiss his lips for longer.

We talk for a while whilst eating, I couldn't stop smiling all the way through.

"Thanks for this" I whisper against his lips. "What for?" he tucks my hair behind my ear. "This, no one has done anything like this for me"

"It's just the start babe" he pecks my lips.

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now