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"Whatever you want darling"
Heather Flores

I kept my arms around Shawn all night. We hadn't slept a wink. He had his arms around my bare my waist as we were looking up at the now blue sky as we were lying on sofa outside where we had moved to after the chair.

Shawn let out a big yawn then shuffled in to my side. "You didn't let me sleep for a second last night" he whispers in my ear. I selfishly kept him awake as I had a small fear in the back of my mind he wouldn't wake up.

"I'm sorry" I giggle turning to face him. I look at him with a smile and he reciprocates. I put a hand on his cheek rubbing my thumb against his cheek. "Don't be sorry, I enjoyed it" he chuckles then smirks.

It was crazy last night. We went on till the morning stopping between rounds to cuddle and kiss then we would carry on again. This was evident as my body was now sore and he was covered in marks.

"I wish it could be like this forever" he whispers. "I want to do that to you every night" he admits letting his thumb rub my bottom lip. "I wouldn't mind but right now my everything hurts" I laugh.

"Where did that even come from? You wanted to do everything under the sun, I mean it was hot but I didn't expect it" he says.

"I don't know" I shrug, I really didn't want to tell him about my dream and some things are best kept a secret. "I just felt close to you, like even closer and now we're gonna get married it feels more I don't know magical" I laugh embarrassed.

"Oh it definitely felt magical, who knew you could do the things you did" he smirks running a hand down my waist then he squeezes making me wince.

"Sorry babe" he kisses my nose. "How about we have a bath then in a few hours we're going home" he tells me. I nod then he gets up, his bare body in front of me. I'm still impressed by how good he looks.

He takes my body lifting me up then he takes me inside to the bathroom then sets me down the counter beside then sink.

I watch as he fills the tub, putting petals and bubbles in the bath and lighting candles around the bathroom. Once the bath was filled he takes my body then puts me in then he sits behind me. I lean back and let my head rest on his shoulder closing my eyes.

"Can you sing for me?" I ask. "What do you want love?"

"You know that cover you did, Use Somebody, that one" I tell him.

"You listened to it?" He asks. "Of course I did" I chuckle.

He begins singing and I get lost in his voice. He sounded so beautiful and the way he ran his hands down my body softly added to it all.

Karen opens the door and Luna comes running out. Shawn sweeps her up and smothers her in kisses. "Daddy!" She giggles kissing his face like he did to her.

"Did you miss us?" He asks her. "Yeah" she nods then looks over at me. "Mummy!" She giggles. I take her in my arms and she gives me multiple kisses.

Shawn goes behind me wrapping his arms around me looking down at Luna. "Come inside loves" Karen tells us. I hold Luna on my hip walking in.

We greet Karen, Manny and Aaliyah. I tell them about how Shawn proposed. My mind flicks to how upset they looked in my dream, I started tearing up but they thought it was because Shawn proposed I was crying, which it kinda was.

"Can I have a minute?" I ask. Karen mumbles a Yeah and Aaliyah takes Luna. I hear Shawn standing up to follow me. "Give her a second Shawn" Manny tells him.

I walk in to the kitchen leaning against the counter. I squeeze my eyes shut, I see Karen hugging me then she touched my stomach.

"You okay Heather?" Karen walks in placing the used mugs in the sink, the noise of the cups snapping me back into reality. "Yeah I am" I nod looking up.

She stands in front of me then takes my hands. "You can always talk to me Heather"

"I know" I nod. "I guess I just haven't had a moment to myself to process it all. I mean marrying Shawn, it's everything I want. I'm just... I'm really happy right now" I tell her and she pulls me into a hug.

"I'm glad you have each other, you're good for each other. He loves you so much Heather" he says rubbing my back. "I know, I love him too" I chuckle moving back then I feel Shawn hug me from behind.

"I'll leave" Karen laughs walking away.

I turn facing Shawn and he takes my hand. "Mrs Mendes eh?" He smirks looking down at my ring. "I can't wait" I pull my bottom lip between my teeth. He looks up at me then pulls my body to his resting his chin on the top of my head.

"I love you Heather" he kisses the top of my head. "I love you Shawn" I wrap my arms around him closing my eyes I lean my head against his chest, my ear near his heart. I hear his heart beating at a slightly faster rate. I then breath in taking in his heavenly smell.

"I want a small wedding and soon" I tell him. I was eager to say our vows and be each other's forever. "Whatever you want darling" he whispers.

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