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"Definitely babe, family"
Shawn Mendes

Unfortunately I woke up before Heather. We got back after finishing dinner and I kept to my word about making her feel good, she generously returned the favour and let's just say after 'making love' for hours on end we both fell asleep so fast, well Heather fell asleep first.

I couldn't help but look as she fell asleep beside me, her bare legs tangled with mine, her hand was laced with mine. Her lips were slightly parted and pink, her long lashes curling up on her skin and her hair messily around her. And when I woke this morning she hadn't moved an inch, her hand still holding mine.

I shuffled closer and let my index finger run down the bridge of her nose, I cupped her jaw and lightly rubbed her bottom lip with my thumb.

"Babe" She moaned moving closer to me, her eyes fluttering open. "Shawn, my love. I love seeing you in the morning but couldn't you have let me sleep" she closes her eyes again sighing as I move my hand.

"No don't move" she giggles blindly taking my hand putting it back on her face. "Let me see you gorgeous" I say rubbing her cheek with my thumb.

"You can see me" she smiles, her eyes still shut.

"Your eyes baby girl"

She slowly opens her eyes, they were brighter and a light brown. "Hi" she smiles showing me her perfect teeth.

"Hi" I lean forward kissing her nose. "Thank you for last night"

"No need to thank me, you deserve everything good Heather Flores" I say honestly, it's true she deserved everything and more.

"Shawn!" I hear, then someone knocks on the door. "I'll go" I sigh sitting up, she sits up beside me and the covers fall revealing her chest to me.

"I'll go shower" she winks then kisses my shoulder before leaving. "You're a tease!" I shout watching her naked body walking away. I huff getting up grabbing my boxers and shorts, putting them on then I open the door.

"Here's your little girl, she's a dream" Kelly says. It truly made my heart flutter when anyone ever said something nice about Luna, simply because she was mine and I raised her. It made me feel proud.

"Thank you Kelly, I got you and frank something" I pull out two tickets and hand them to her. "It's some theatre thing, I know you're a fan" I smile at her.

"Thank you Shawn, you're amazing!" She quickly hugs me then leaves. I crouch down to Luna and sweep her up taking her inside.

"Hi daddy!" She giggles kicking her legs. I put her on the bed and begin tickling her making her laugh and scream.

"Wheres mummy?" She asks as soon as I stop. "What about me I'm here?" I pout and as soon as I say that Heather walk out wearing an off the shoulder white flowy crop top and black shorts with her wet hair in a bun. She's so perfect

"Oh hi gorgeous" Heather exclaims, Luna stands on the bed putting her arms out. Heather picks her up twirling her around.

"Why does my daughter like you more?" I pout hugging Heather from behind. "She's mine too" Heather says making my heart race. I couldn't be happier than I am right now.

"Now go get us breakfast" she giggles walking away with Luna on to the balcony.

"Okay princess!" I shout making her look back at me seeing a clear smirk on her face.


We were now sat outside, at our own private pool. Heather was reading some book whilst tanning in her swimsuit which drove me wild.
Where as Luna and I were eating from a fruit bowl.

"Baby girl what am I going to with you" I say under my breath as she drops a sliced strawberry on her white summer dress.

I take a napkin and begin dabbing it away but it was no use. "Daddy I love mangos!" Her eyes go wide as she bites in to one then holds it up to me giving me the rest. She takes her orange juice and begins drinking it until it starts falling down her chin on to her dress.

"Luna darling why are you so messy?" I chuckle taking the glass of off her. She wipes her hands on her dress taking another mango piece completely ignoring me.

"Babe will you pass a napkin?" I ask Heather. Heather gets up putting her book down. "Luna come here darling" Luna gets down taking her mango with her to Heather.

"Mummy here" she holds up the mango to Heather and she takes a bite. "It's lovely darling but let's not make a mess, you're dress is so pretty but we have to change it now" she speaks with a soft voice taking a napkin to wipe her hands and mouth. "Now let's go get changed" Heather stands up.

"But I want to stay outside" Luna sits down. "But if you change in to another dress you'll get ice cream but it's okay if you don't want" Heather shrugs going to sit down.

"No no mummy, come on" Luna takes her hand and they both get up. I follow them up taking heathers hand from behind.

"So are we getting ice cream?" I ask her as she takes out a pale yellow dress for Luna. "Of course we are" Heather giggles getting Luna changed.

"Come on Daddy! We need ice cream!" Luna hops of the bed taking my hand and heathers.

"Two strawberry's and one bubblegum please" Heather tells the woman and she nods softly. "Coming right up, you have a beautiful family" she smiles at Heather.

"Oh thank you" Heather smiles looking back at me, I could clearly see the happiness on her face. "Family eh?" She nudges me.

"Definitely babe, family" I nod then kiss her now pink cheek.

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