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"Mr Shawn I Have A Child And Million Dollar Company Mendes?"
Heather Flores

"You make really good spaghetti" I say putting down my plate and grabbing my wine. "Thank you" he smiles at me sipping his wine.

"Erm I hope you don't mind I'm just gonna put Luna to bed she's knocked out" he laughs standing up. "She seems pretty cosy leaning against me" I whisper not wanting to wake her up.

"She does but I'll still put her in bed" he picks her up and his veins pop out and his arms flex under his tight grey shirt. I quickly look away and he laughs. "You wanna come up?" I nod getting up.

I follow him up the stairs and lean against the door as he puts Luna in her pink bed. He tucks her in and kisses her forehead wishing her a good night. She shuffles around and kisses his cheek then whispers something in his ear.

I look around her room seeing her toys neatly organised, her books on a shelf, a fluffy pink rug and the walls painted white with a few pictures hung up, I assume of her and his family.

"Heather" Shawn calls making me look his way. "She wants to say good night to you"

"Oh okay" I walk towards her bed and crouch down. "Good night Luna" I kiss her forehead and she smiles at me. "Night night Feather" she kisses my cheek making me heart swell up.

I get up and look at Shawn stood in the door way looking at me. I walk towards him and he moves out the way closing the door. We go down stairs in silence and sit down beside each other.

"So erm how was your work today?" He asks me. "Good, busy like always. I'm sorry I was a little late I was just finishing up then I went home and got changed then came here" I explain. "What about you?"

"It's all good, I signed a few people today just some people to make a band for our artists" he says.

"Ooh how exciting" I chuckle. "Did you talk to your dad?"

"Erm no, he was busy today and he got off early something to do with Lola, same old stuff" I shrug. He nods looking down at my hands then he puts his hand over mine.

"Are you okay?" He asks me. Those three words make me want to curl up next to him and tell him everything, how busy I am, my relationship with my father, how I rarely see my friends and how I won't have time for any personally relationship or even myself.

"I'm okay" I nod. "Really, are you?" He asks.

"I am. What about you? You run a big company and raise a daughter on your own" I say and he sighs.

"I love my job and because I love it, it makes it easier, everyone I hire I know and they're all amazing. And Luna comes with me everyday or I leave her with my mum sometimes and everything is just..." he thinks for a second.

"Smooth sailing" he chuckles. "Sounds amazing" I say. I look down seeing his hand still on my mine.

"When's that big operation you have?" He asks moving his hand to interlock his fingers with mine and it makes me nervous.

"In two days, I'm nervous" I admit. "Is this the first one you've done?"

"No, I've done 68 operations in the last two years and only three have failed" I say. "I always get nervous, no matter how good I am at my job or how good people tell me I am, someone's life is always in my hands"

He breathes out deeply then squeezes my hand. "You're amazing" I look in to his eyes and completely want to fall at his feet.

"I-I mean you're amazing at your job" he mumbles. "I know what you meant" I smile, "you're amazing too you know, you're so independent and you've done well for yourself and Luna, I mean your amazing but she's just perfect" I chuckles running his spare hand through his hair.

"She is" he agrees with me.

We both look down at our hands and I gulp. "I-I should get going, I'm in early tomorrow" I take my hand back. "Oh okay yeah I have work tomorrow too" I get up and he follows.

"Here's your coat" he holds it open and I turn around letting him slide it on my arms, he puts his hands on my shoulder and I hear him breath out then he lets go.

"Thanks, for dinner" I smile turning to him before I get to the door. "Oh no problem, your welcome any time" he smiles at me.

"So erm, I'll see you soon" he says and I nod "yeah" he reaches towards me giving me a hug and I put my arms around him and he squeezes my waist gently.

"Wait a minute, your hair is straight and actually looks decent, you smell like..." he leans towards me "jimmy choo and girl you're glowing like you just saw Jesus" Spence says walking in to my office with me.

"What am I not allowed to do my hair or smell nice?" I ask sitting down. "Hmmm but it's you so what happened last night?" Spence asks me leaning against the table.

"Nothing" I mumble looking down at my appointments for the day. "Don't feed me bullshit doc"

"I had dinner" I shrug. "Dinner, well done Heather I'm glad you're feeding yourself" he claps.

"With Shawn" I finish and his eyes widen looking down at me. "Mr Shawn I Have A Child And Million Dollar Company Mendes?"

"Yep that one" I nod. "Wait a min Heather" he pauses pretending to think.

"Girl did you do the deed?" I pretend to gag and he laughs. "You're a Doctor aren't you supposed to know about sex?" He says sarcastically

"Shut it Spencer" I laugh logging in to my laptop. "It's Spence!" He groans. "Now tell me about last night" he grins.

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