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Song: Ariana Grande feat Troye Sivan, Dance To This.
"Let's just dance to this"
Shawn Mendes

I went down stairs following Luna as she skips down the stairs happily.

"Daddy look!" She whisper yells pointing to Heather who was sleeping on top on Paige and Spence was sleeping with his head on heathers legs.

"Did they have a sleep over?" She asks. "Yeah" I nod.

"Uncle Spence!" Luna yells running up to them then jumping on top of him causing him to groan. "Oh morning monkey" Spence chuckles getting up. Paige and Heather slowly get up rubbing their eyes.

"Hi love" Heather takes Luna in her arms giving her a hug as Luna rested her head on her shoulder. "Hi mummy" Luna presses a kiss to her cheek then stays in her arms.

"Am I late for work?" She asks looking down at her watch. "Heather, I'll go in. I'm sure there's nothing urgent today"Paige gets up and takes her bag upstairs.

"Luna come on you need to eat then I can take you to school" I tell her and she nods hopping of off Heather. She still hasn't looked at me yet.

"Come on mummy and uncle Spence" she takes both their hands and they get up. I make way to the kitchen and they follow behind me sitting down on the stools.

"Should I make pancakes?" Heather asks.
"Yes!" Spence and Luna yell at the same time when I say "no" making them all look at me.

"She needs to be in school in twenty minutes" I shrug grabbing a bowl. "I'll be quick, it won't take long and she wants it" Heather says getting up.

"I said no, you can make it for you and Spence but I need to drop her off then go to work myself" I say sternly and her face drops. She nods then sits back down next to Luna.

I quickly feed Luna then grab her bag so we can go but she rushes back to Heather.

"Bye mummy" Heather leans down giving her a hug and a kiss. "Bye, I love you" Heather kisses her nose making her giggle. "I love you too" she says back.

Heather then gets up to sit back down. "Mummy say bye to daddy" Luna exclaims tugging on heathers arm.

I knew she couldn't say no to Luna so she got up and walked towards me throwing her arms my neck and I hug her waist.

"Can we talk when you get back?" She asks me. "Yeah". She kisses my cheek then let's go off me.
I had just dropped off Luna and was on the way to work but I couldn't concentrate so I turned back around and drove home to Heather.

Spence's car wasn't there anymore and I assumed she would be home alone now. I opened the door hearing Ariana Grande feat Troye Sivan Dance To This.

I made my way to the kitchen seeing her dancing around in my shirt whilst she cooked. I put my phone down and went over, I twirled her around by her waist and her hands went to my shoulders. She looked beautiful under the kitchen lights.

"Heather I-"

"Let's just dance to this" she giggles singing along with the song. I nod then spin her out twirling her around. I pull her back and pick her up from her thighs so her legs wrap around my body.

She holds my face in her hands then leans down pressing her lips to mine. I take her body and push her against the wall and pull back.

"I'm sorry, I know you work and you're allowed your friends over. I overreacted and-"

"It's okay, I don't want anything going wrong between us" she says moving my hair out of her face. "Right" I nod.

"I just wanna tell you that I heard you last night and I need you to know I'll always make time for you, say the words and I'll be there. And that you shouldn't care what others think. Luna is yours and your mine, I wouldn't want it any other way" I reassure her earning a nod.

"And for the sex, we can make time" I wink and she giggles softly.

"I don't want us to fall apart" she whispers against my lips. "And we won't" I join our lips pushing her back.

"Can I take you upstairs now? We don't have to get Luna till three"

She nods then hops down taking my hand leading me upstairs.

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