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"Oh yeah forget doctor hottie, Mr I got money and good looks is on his way"
Heather Flores

When someone passes out, we never know when they could wake up, we know the brain is still processing and the heart is still beating but when it happens the mind blanks out. Not wanting you to wake up or when you do eventually wake up the possibility's are endless of what could happen.

"Heather!" I hear,my fingers twitch at the feeling of skin coming in contact with mine.

"Call Paige Summers and Spence Ferguson, they're her emergency contacts. We need room 9 clearing and get me the antibiotics" I hear, I jolt up and take in a large breath.

I bring my hand to my eyes covering myself from the bright lights. "You're okay".

I see Ness walking beside the stretcher as I get wheeled in to a room and then stopped. "N-Ness" I reach for her hand.

"Don't talk hun, I'll get you some water" she wipes her tears walking away. "I've never seen you before" I say looking at the doctor hooking me up to the heart rate monitor.

"I usually work on ward 12-14" he smiles at me. "But I know all the staff"

"Not me then, you got yourself in quite the pickle huh" he laughs to himself, he's kinda handsome, scruffy beard, dark hair, tall, dark eyes.

"Miss Flores, you got in to a car accident-"

"My car is it alright?" I cut him off.

He laughs lightly. "Unfortunately no But lets focus on you, you were extremely lucky you have a few grazes on your hands and legs and the main thing is you fractured your wrist which you can see as we put a bandage on and you might experience-"

"Neck pain, back ache and short term memory loss which I will regain" I yawn laying my head back.

"Okay you know all your stuff" he smirks. "Of course I do, I'm the head doctor"

"I know who you are Doctor Heather Flores and I'm always impressed by you" I look up at him smiling.

"I have my memory I remember everything, why have I never seen you?" I ask him. He sits at the edge of my bed. "I came to you once, last year. I was about to go in for a heart surgery and I wanted your advice, you told me to stay calm" he smiles down at his hands.

"What's your name?" I ask. "Andrew King"

"Oh my god, Heather Carly Flores if you ever do something like that I will kill you!" Paige walks in shouting. "You bitch we couldn't stop crying in the car and here you are flirting with Doctor Hotness" Spence wipes his tears, both of them hugging me from the sides.

"I'm fine guys but my car isn't, we need to find the bitch who did this" I joke but no one laughs expect Doctor Hottie, I mean Andrew.

"I'll go get your stats" he coughs leaving the room.

"Erm we called Shawn, he's on his way" Paige tells me sitting on the bed. "Oh yeah forget doctor hottie, Mr I got money and good looks is on his way" Spence nudges me.

"Ugh why would you do that" I groan sinking down in to the pillow. "Wait what?" Paige gasps.

"I don't want to see him" I say blankly shrugging. "Too late the bitch is here, come on Spence" Paige links on to Spence and the two walk out. Just as they do Andrew walks back in.

"Here's your water, Ness got busy she said she'll see you soon" I sit up taking the water.

"Thanks" I drink the water as he checks my heart rate. "This is so weird" I say making him look down at me.

"Why's that?" He asks sitting on the chair beside me. "I'm the one doing all the checking and rushing around for the patient, I don't like this. I need to be on my feet" I chuckle.

"I get what you mean, I broke my arm a few months ago and all I wanted to do was get up and help the doctors but seriously let me help you" he chuckles placing his hand over mine.

Wow this boy moves fast.

"At least you have no scars on your pretty face" he smirks, I feel myself blushing and then the heart rate monitor increases. He laughs looking up at me seeing my heart race increase. "I already have an effect on you huh" he winks and I look down trying to steady my breathing.

"Look who's here!" Paige sings walking in. I look up seeing Shawn walking, his face filled with worry.

"Oh my god Heather" he rushes towards me. I gulp looking in to his honey eyes.

"Heather, I'll check back in later" Andrew gets up smiling. "Rest up for now" he winks at me again, thank god I'm already laying down.

"Heather what happened?" He runs a hand through his hair making me weaker than I already am. "Car accident" I croak out.

"Holy shit, you were supposed to come to me tonight was it on the way?" His clutches my hand.

There goes that annoying machine again, beeping faster. I roll my eyes and detach the wires. "Heather what are you doing?!" He asks worriedly.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing" I laugh and he nods. "I did come to you but I left" I shrug, I look around and see that Paige and Spence have gone.


I sit up fully taking my hand back. "You obviously had someone else coming to see you" He furrows his eyebrows at me.

"Chloe" I mumble. "What about her?" He asks clearly confused.

"I don't really want to say it but she made it obvious that you and her were going to, you know" I look away wanting avoid eye contact.

"Oh no Heather, what would you think that?" His eyes filled with disgust. "She just made it seem that way and I just wanted to leave" I shrug.

"No let me tell you..."

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now