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"I'm like a sugar daddy ew"
Heather Flores

"Why am I friends with you? You're so boujee" Spence nudges my arm then opens the glass doors. "Spence I save my money and you of all people should know I love my car" I laugh walking ahead of him.

"Ugh, please buy me that red one for my birthday" he points, I shake my head no laughing.

"Okay fine how about that Gucci bag I sent you the link for" He asks.

"Yeah you sent it to me over twenty times" I tell him.

"Thank you, I love you" he sings making me roll my eyes. "I'm like a sugar daddy ew"

"Nah you a mama now" I hit his arm making him groan. "What it's true! Heather you're a mom now, you're dating a dad who has a daughter who's mother isn't in view that makes you the stand in mom" he claps his hands together.

"Stand in mom? Spence I don't want to talk about this" I feel a pit in my stomach, I never really thought about it, are me and Shawn long term? Am I sticking around to see Luna grow up?

"Miss Flores?" Spence pinches my back, I blink quickly and look ahead seeing a man in a suit holding up a pair of keys. "You're car is ready and because your a loyal customer we added a few customs" he tells me.

"Oh thank you, I already sent a check" I smile at him. "Well here's you car Miss Flores" he throws me the keys. I catch them holding them up as I look at Spence.

"Thank you" I tell him. "The car is around the back, I'll show the way" he turns around, me and Spence follow.

He opens the door and there's my car. "Holy shit Heather" Spence gasps. "I know, it's my early birthday gift, from me to me" I laugh unlocking the car. "It's February and you're birthday isn't till July" Spence says. "I know" I laugh.

The man opens the passenger door and I get in running my hands over the leather wheel. "Are you going to Shawn's?" Spence asks. I nod looking up at him.

"Have fun doing it in a sports car!" he shouts. I shake my head starting the car.
"Come outside" I tell Shawn holding my phone up to my ear. "Wait why? Should I get dressed?" He chuckles.

"Are you not dressed?" I ask.

"I just got out the shower" he tells me, oh god I can see the smirk on his face. "Hurry up" I laugh putting my phone down.

After a few minutes my phone rings again. "I'm outside, are you here babe?". I look out my window and wave at him, he ends the call jogging up to my car.

I get out and he comes over to me picking me up. "It's yours huh?" He asks in my ear as I giggle. "Yep" I nod, he puts me down kissing my cheek.

"Where's luna?" I ask him. "My mum is inside looking after her, you wanna come in?" He asks lacing our hands together.

"Well erm if your mum doesn't mind, can I take you somewhere?" I bite down on my bottom lip looking up at him. "Where? And she won't mind" he puts his hands at the sides of my face.

"Somewhere" I giggle leaning up to kiss soft lips. "Oh sounds exciting" he laughs pecking my lips again. "Oh it is"

"Oh yeah" his hands squeeze my sides, my stomach flips. I hum leaning up to kiss him again.

"You can drive, I'll tell you the way" I tell him. "You want me to drive? Are you sure?"

I nod taking his hand pulling him towards the drivers seat. I go over to the other side and get in. "Oh god I have to be so careful" he laughs nervously. "It's a sports car Shawn, you can drive a little fast" I laugh.
Our hands were joint on my lap, I looked down and played with his rings tracing the etchings. "Babe, left or right?". I look up quickly "right, then turn in to the drive way with the white garage" I tell him.

He nods and does as I say. "Park there" I point.

"Where are we?" He asks stopping the car. "I want you to meet someone" I squeeze his hand. "Who?"

I lean over pecking his cheek. "Someone important to me".

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now