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"You're going all out aren't you"
Heather Flores

"Okay I'll leave you in charge for a week dad but that doesn't mean you can take my place" I tell him sarcastically. He stands up straight and puts a hand on his heart "I wouldn't dream of it" he says making me laugh.

"So you're leaving tonight huh?" He asks sitting at my desk, his old one. "Yep, for a week. Luna is staying with Karen" I tell him as I clean up my office.

"How long have you been together?" He asks me, I liked this he was starting to act more like my dad instead of my boss. "Since March 17th and we met on January 14th" I smile remembering how I first met him. "I told him that I consider our anniversary the day we met" I chuckle.

"Your mother did that with me, I met her in the summer July 29th but I didn't have the balls to ask her out till a year later" he shakes his head probably reminiscing of the memory of her. "Anyway, are you excited? You haven't seen the ballet in a while" He asks.

It's true the last ballet I went to was with my mum, we watched Cinderella and I told Shawn that's why I was over the moon when I found out we were going and the fact he remembered.

"I am, it's my favourite ballet" I smile. "I know, I remember when I had to spend a fortune on that costume for you because you wanted the same one as the fairy godmother and not Cinderella" he says. "And I'm forever grateful" I laugh squeezing his shoulder as I walk to the other side.

"You and Shawn are extremely lucky to have each other, he's a nice guy"

I giggle then turn to face my dad. "What? He's your first love and it looks like he'll be your last" he shrugs. "Lola told me"

"Oh right, I'm surprised you aren't going dad mode on him"

"I would have but Lola said something about 'seeing the love in your eyes' and at first I didn't know what she meant but now I do" he stands up and gives me a genuine smile.

"You guys deserve each other" he pulls me in to a hug and I hug him back tightly. "And you should really go now, you've done enough work for today" He kisses the top of my head then let's me go.

"I'll bring you and Lola matching 'I heart nyc' shirts back" I joke earning a smile.

"Bye love, me and daddy will call you every night okay" I was crouching down to Luna's height as I held her small hands. "On the phone?" She asks me making me chuckle. "Yep, I love you" I kiss her cheek then stand up and Shawn says bye to her by picking her up and smothering her in kisses which cause her to giggle.

"Erm Karen please tell me if you want us back it won't be-"

"Heather we'll be fine and so will she. You and Shawn deserve some alone time" she pulls me in to a hug then we let go.

"Ready?" Shawn asks me. I look down and see Aaliyah had already taken Luna inside. "Yep" I nod. He says bye to his mum and dad then takes my hand, we get in to the taxi and Shawn pulls me by his side.

"It's going to weird with out her" I admit. "I know but it's only a week and we might not get this time again" he kisses the top of my head.

"Are you excited? The hotel room is really fancy" he tells me, probably trying to take my mind off of Luna. "I am, have you ever seen a ballet before?" I ask him.

"Honestly no" he admits. "Wow I can't believe I'm married to you" I blurt out and I swear my heart rate increased and I thought I was about pass out.

"Shawn I-"

"It's okay, Mrs Mendes" he smirks then pecks my lips. "I'm going to marry you eventually honey, might as well get used to it" he shrugs.

"Right and if I'm going to marry you, you have to stay awake during the whole of the ballet" I tell him knowing that he'd probably get bored  during it.

"Well whatever it takes to marry you I'll do it". His sweet words drive me crazy and I'm sure it was clear by the huge smile on my face.

"Sorry to interrupt but we're here sir" the driver says. Shawn pays him and we get out grabbing our bags.

"Where are we?" I ask looking around. He takes my body and turns me around. "We're taking a private jet?" I ask my mouth wide open as I look at the sleek white plane.

"Yep, so you can drink all you want, sleep all you want and we can do whatever" he winks then takes my hand leading me to the plane.

"You're going all out aren't you" I squeeze his hand as we go up the stairs, I hold on tighter as my heels weren't doing me any favours.

"Oh this is just the beginning babe" he helps me up then kisses my lips, a little longer than I expected.

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