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"What's ílios?"
Heather Flores
July 3rd

"Happy birthday dear Heather! Happy birthday to you!" Everyone sings, I look around seeing everyone I love. I blow out the candles wishing for one thing then when I open my eyes I feel Shawn wrapping his arms around me. "Mum can you cut the cake for everyone" Shawn asks then pulls me aside.

"Thank you for this" I smile leaning up to kiss his cheek. "It's your birthday! No need to thank me" he says pecking my lips.

"I love you" he kisses my lips again smiling against me. "I love you more" I giggle feeling his hands squeeze my bum gently. "Where's luna?" I ask him moving his hands to hold them.

"Paige and Darren are playing with her in the garden" he tells me. I look out the window seeing Luna on Darren's shoulders and Paige was chasing them.

"There's the birthday girl!" Spence yells walking over to me with Matt beside him. "Spence you saw me all morning" I laugh now turning towards him.

"Well I had to keep you distracted for the surprise party which Shawn did amazing on and can I say that Chanel is wow" he claps. "Oh Shawn got it for me" I say running my hands down the embroidered cream coloured short dress. "He's a keeper" Spence says making me laugh as he walks away.

I meet everyone at the party and retire to sit down outside watching Shawn start the barbecue with Andrew. They surprisingly got along. Just as I get seated Shawn comes up to me.

"Don't hate me okay but I had to" he says then runs off. I look at him confused then hear someone cough beside me making me look up. I immediately get up and I don't know if I'm about to cry or not.

"Happy birthday Heather!" Lola pulls me in to a hug. I hug her back and then let go, my dad moves forward holding up a small gift. "Happy birthday Heather" he hugs me. I hug him back holding on for a second.

I pull back. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask.

"Shawn invited us and it's your birthday we wouldn't miss it. Heather I need to apologise, Lola made me realise I've not been the best dad and I want say sorry if you let me " My dad says. "Yeah, that would be nice" I nod smiling.

"Here's your gift" he passes me the small box and an envelope.

I take the box opening up it and my heart clenches. I pick up the delicate silver chain looking at the sun shaped charm at the end.

"ílios" my dad says taking the necklace going behind me to put it on. "Thank you, it's beautiful" I send him a small smile as he comes back in view. "I'm sorry Heather, for the last months" he kisses my forehead.

"It's okay dad, I need you" I tell him putting a smile on his face.

"now introduce me to your boyfriend, so I can scare him off" he smirks. I laugh turning to see Shawn already looking at me, I usher him over.

"He's cute Heather!" Lola says making me laugh. Shawn shakes my dads hand and hugs Lola then stands beside me. "Thank you" I whisper in his ear. "It's okay" he smiles down at me.
"Good night Heather and thank you Shawn, keep her happy and next time I'll bring Luna a gift she told me all about her tutus" my dad laughs and walks out. "Call me if you need anything babe and safe sex is the best sex" Lola whispers in my ear and walks away. Oh god I hope Shawn didn't hear.

I shut the door turning to Shawn. "What's ílios?" He asks me.

I giggle then kiss his lips gently. "Come on" I pull him to sit down outside. Paige and Darren were still here now sat by the pool and Luna was with Spence and Matt playing mario inside.

"It means sun, like the one in the sky. It's Greek, my dad used to call my mum ílios because they met on a sunny day and all he could think about was how she out shone the sun and he gave her this necklace" I tell Shawn leaning my head on his shoulder. "That's so romantic" Shawn says making me laugh.

"I have a gift you but it's nothing compared to that" he says. I take my head off his boulder placing a hand on his cheek. "I don't care what it is, it's from you" I tell him pecking his lips.

"Hold on" he runs inside and quickly returns with Luna in his arms. "Go on Luna" he tells her as they sit down. Luna looks up at me then hands me a box, a grey bow holding it together.

"Thank you love" I lean down kissing her cheek. I undo the bow and take the lid off. "It's so beautiful" I whisper taking the delicate piece out of the box.

It was a thin gold chain with a feather pendant attached to the end. I turn it around seeing a few words carved in to it.

'Floated in to our lives like a feather'

"I know your dad already gave you that necklace but-"

"I love it" I grin looking up to meet his glimmering eyes. He helps me put it on then Luna climbs on to my lap holding the sun and feather charms in her small hands. "And thank you again for inviting my dad" I tell Shawn. "It's okay love, I'm glad he likes me and Luna"

"Daddy can I have one" Luna interrupts.

"I'll get you one, for your birthday it's in two days can you wait like a good girl?" I ask her pushing her hair out of her face.

She nods then throws her arms around me. I hold her close then look at Shawn who's taking a picture of me and Luna. I grab his hand pulling him forward, he puts his arms around me and Luna then kisses my forehead.

"Happy birthday love"

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