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*mild smut towards the end*
"No more secrets"
Heather Flores

I sit there in silence as he just finished telling me. His ex, also the mother of his child contacted him and met with him and Luna.

I don't know how to feel. Is that it for me now? Do I just leave Shawn? Does he leave me?

"Okay that wasn't the reaction I was expecting" he says in a low voice. I look up at him and raise an eyebrow. "Were you expecting me to throw a party and be happy?" I ask.

I get up taking my dishes to the sink and he follows. "No of course not, I just thought you'd be more understanding" he says harshly. I turn around and fold my arms over my chest.

"More understanding?" I ask. "Why should I be? That woman is the mother of your child. I have nothing over her!" I raise my voice but then quickly quieten down when I remember Luna was here.

"What do you mean?" He asks moving closer to me and I move back, my body hitting the counter.

"What I mean is, I'm nothing compared to her. You obviously loved her enough to have a baby with her and she reached out to you, she'll come back and be in your life again and I'll be pushed out" I tell him trying not to raise my voice instead my voice cracks. I couldn't handle being upset or angry without crying.

"Are you hearing yourself?" He slams his fist on the counter beside me making me jump. "I love you Heather and I despise that woman. Yes she's Luna's mother but she's nothing to me and did you not listen when I told you she wants nothing to do with Luna or me. She's getting married and moving away!" He yells, his body tensing in his shirt.

"Don't fucking shout!" I grit shoving his arm but he doesn't budge.

"Heather Carly Flores, I love you. I love you and only you. My love runs so deep in my veins that you make my heart ache, my palms sweat and suddenly I can barley walk in front of you. I love you and I'll tell you everyday. Even when we fight and are at our lowest I'll tell you that I love you, I promise. Now I'm telling you again. In my eyes and Luna's you are her mother, you have my heart and Luna's. You'll never be replaced. I need you to trust in me when I say that " His voice was gentle and kind.

He moves his hands to cup my cheeks and stares in to my eyes. "I love you more" I whimper as I try to stop myself from crying from his beautiful words.

"Promise me, you know it's just you" he presses his forehead against mine.

"I know Shawn and- and I feel the same. I love you" I nudge my nose against his feeling his breathing hitch.

"She's gone forever, it's just me, you and Luna" he whispers against my lips. "Me, you and Luna" I repeat.

He nods then leans down picking me up and hoisting me on to the counter, my dress bunches up against my hips.

"It's forever love" he breathes against my neck, not letting his lips touch my skin. He moves further up and I wrap my legs around his torso pulling myself closer to him.

"I love you" he whispers against the side of my mouth. He finally but slowly meets my lips, sucking on my bottom lip.

I grab a fist full of his hair and moan in to his moan. "Quiet" He hushes me now kissing my lips properly. He puts a hand on my jaw and moves my face against his as he works his tongue along with mine.

He groans in to my mouth as I move my hand further down squeezing his hard on. "Right here?" I ask him and he nods undoing his zipper and pulling his boxers down.

He leans down and pulls my underwear down my legs then moves back so I can wrap my legs around him. "Ready?" He asks moving a hand between my legs. His fingers rub me making me tilt my head back.

"Definitely feel ready" he kisses down my plunged neck line then takes himself pushing him in to me. "I love you" I mumble pulling his head closer to me so I could join us in a kiss as he rolls his hips in to me. "I love you darling" he kisses down my jaw.

"I'm so glad she didn't wake up" I say as I follow Shawn upstairs as he carries Luna to the guest room so she could sleep.

He puts her down tucking her in then follows me to the bedroom.

"You're so loud babe but you have to control that, seen as though Luna is always here" he teases grabbing me by the waist pulling me in to him.

"I'm not that loud" I say pushing him away. He quickly grabs my arms then pushes me down on the bed then climbs over my body.

"I'm so lucky to have you. You see the good in people and listen, I love that. You're also incredibly beautiful" he smirks.

"I love you" I kiss his nose making him chuckle. "I love seeing you smile" Shawn says stroking my cheek.

"You make me smile" I tell him biting in to my bottom lip.

"Heather, no more secrets" he nods then kisses my cheek gently leaving his lips to linger against my skin. "No more secrets" I repeat. He ducks his head down then nibbles the skin under my ear.

"How about as my last way to apologise, I make you feel good?" He asks against my ear gently licking a stripe down my jaw.

"Sounds good" I giggle, I felt pure happiness and that's all I ever wanted.

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