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"You're so good to me"
Heather Flores
July 3rd
28 weeks pregnant 2-3 months left

It was my 23rd birthday today and also the baby shower. Paige let us know that she had found out the gender and she got planning immediately but Shawn put it on hold. He said he wanted to find out when I was 6 months pregnant so we wouldn't have to wait that long for the baby to come out. You could tell he was excited.

We spent nights just talking to my stomach. My rather big bump now made it hard for me to sleep, put my shoes on, get dressed, find clothes. One night I broke down crying, my body was changing and my hormones were acting up. Luna found me crying and immediately hugged me curing my sadness. She began talking to the baby, she was still a little confused but she was so sweet.

Shawn had his eyes and hands on me at all times. When sleeping his one hand would be laced with mine, in the morning he would hold me placing his hands on my stomach as I made breakfast. He even visited me at work bringing me all sorts of desserts. I had a craving for any type of extravagant desserts, so waffles, pancakes, milkshakes and cake. Especially Oreo milkshakes.

No matter what time it was Shawn would've get me one. Just a few nights ago he found me in the kitchen sat on the floor eating cookie dough ice cream. He happily joined me then had to help me up since my bump wouldn't allow me to get up on my own.

I was now getting dressed in a white flowy dress that had lace down at the hem which went just above my knees. I was just finishing my makeup and Shawn walked in with Luna.

"Ooo woman! You look beautifu!" Shawn exclaims. "Happy Birthday Mummy" Luna giggles. He sets her down and I stand up looking down at her.

"Thank you gorgeous" I would've gone down to kiss her but that was hard. She looked so adorable, wearing a white top and a white tutu. "You look like a ballerina" I tell her and she spins for me.

"Luna honey can you go put your shoes on" Shawn tells her then she runs away. He walks up to me wrapping his arms around my waist. I placed my hands on his chest. He wore black jeans and a white shirt that had small black dots all over it tucked in and of course his boots.

"You look handsome" I lean forward pecking his lips. "And you look so beautiful babe" he kisses my forehead. "Happy birthday" he smiles down at me.

"Wait here" he says then let's go off me. I stay put then he quickly walks back in holding a bunch of sunflowers. "Thank you" I giggle, feeling like a school girl. "They're just for being you, you know. You're amazing Heather. And I know that you're my person and I'll love you eternally" he takes my hand kissing near my ring.

He uses his thumb to wipe away my tears. "I love you" I whimper not wanting to cry. "You're so good to me" I clutch on to the flowers then rest my head against his chest. We stay like this for a minute then Luna comes running in tugging on Shawn's leg asking to go. "Let's find out the gender of our baby!" He chuckles excitedly.

Everyone was here at my dads house, it was being hosted here due to the large back garden. We walked in being greeted by everyone, there was a long table set up full with presents as we walked in. We got out to the back and my dad pulled me in for a hug.

"Happy birthday Heather" he exclaims. "Happy birthday sweetie" Lola hugs me. They also greet Shawn then we begin walking around meeting everyone. His hand on the small of my back all the time. I met all his friends again and watched him talk about the baby.

I quickly excused myself needing to pee then I walked back outside. This was all so lovely. There was a large table filled with pink and blue treats, a black book so all the guests could write a message to our baby. Everyone had on a blue or pink piece of clothing. I looked around seeing it was mainly split.

Andrew then walks over to me and he was wearing a blue denim jacket. "A boy huh?" I ask.

"Of course" he chuckles. "Happy birthday Heather" he hugs me quickly. I see Shawn walking over. Noticing his cheeks were slightly pink. "Also congratulations on the baby, Shawn is very lucky" he nudges me and then Shawn walks over wrapping and arm around me rubbing my back.

"Congratulations Shawn!" Andrew exclaims giving him a handshake. "Thanks man" Shawn smiles. "So I'll leave you guys to it" Andrew then walks away.

"You been drinking?" I ask Shawn seeing his pink cheeks. "I've only had two glasses of champagne, one for me and one for you" he chuckles.

I was about to kiss him when Paige and Darren come running up to us. "Are you guys ready?" She asks. "I guess" I giggle.

"Come on" She waves over. I take Shawn's hand then we follow her. Everyone was stood around us holding confetti cannons and smoke bombs and glitter.

Luna came running up to Shawn and he sweeps her up holding her on his hip. We quickly take a few pictures of just the three of us then it was time.

"Okay we'll do a count down from ten then everyone pull the cannons or throw the glitter!" Paige yells.

I look around giving everyone a little wave. Karen waves at me and I just think how lucky I am to already have amazing family and friends then when I marry Shawn I'll have more.


"I love you" Shawn kisses the top of my head then links our hands. "I love you more" I quickly peck his lips and Luna's cheek.


Everyone erupts in to a cheer.

And then me, Shawn and Luna are covered in blue glitter and confetti.

He takes my face in his hand kissing me with such love. "We're having a baby boy" I chuckle excitedly.

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