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"She really is amazing"
Shawn Mendes

She twirled her straw around the glass looking up at me as she told me a story, how she met Spence but I couldn't concentrate. The way she batted her eyelashes and blushed made me weak.

"Daddy" Luna giggles as she runs from Spence, "Hey she's quick" Spence gasps.

"Daddy can we go play now" she attempts to whisper making Heather giggle. "Yeah come on" I get off the stool picking her up as she stretches her arms out.

"Are you guys going to the park?" Spence asks me whilst sliding across the counter. "Yep with the big slide" Luna answer grinning.

"Oh Heather, you go home that way don't you?" Heather looks up at him shaking her head. "Yeah you do!" He forces a laugh . "Well isn't that just a coincidence" Spence claps his hands together opening his mouth like he was shocked.

"Feather are you coming park?" Luna asks. "Erm yeah of course I will" she smiles standing up. It makes my insides burst that she's coming along.

"Bye Spencer!" She shouts. "It's Spence" he yells back making her laugh.

"He hates when I call him that" she says looking down at the floor as we walk beside each other, Luna in my arms.

"I probably look a mess" she points at her scrubs. "No, I've seen worse" I laugh trying to make her feel better.

I open the gate for the park letting Luna down, as soon as he small feet hit the ground she runs towards the slide.

"I haven't been here in ages" she looks around her face showing she's satisfied with how the park looks. "You grew up around here?" I lean back on the fence shoving my hands in my pocket.

"Well in Canada yes, I moved here when I was twelve. My dad would bring me here before school" I nods listening to the words leave her lips.

"Before school? Wow"  I comment wanting to hear more about her.

"Yep everyday till I was fifteen, we'd be here at bang on seven, spend half an hour here then he would drop me off to school and he would go to work then I'd walk home past here" she reminisces looking around the park.

"He sounds... dedicated" I try to find the right words. "Oh he is, dedicated to work though" her lips fall in to a frown and all I want to do is hug her.

"Feather!" Luna yells running towards her. "Will you push the swing please" she asks her grabbing her hand.

"Yeah let's go" Heather smiles. "Come on Daddy!" Luna grabs my hand pulling me as well as Heather. Luna reaches the swing and I pick her up sitting her down.

"Feather sit down" Luna points to the empty swing beside her. She nods sitting down. "Now daddy will push us" Luna giggles.

"Okay princess" I mess her hair up and stand behind her gently pushing the swing. "And feather" Luna points.

"Are you ready?" I ask her holding on to the seat. She nods a yes, I pull the swing back and push her. She giggles and screams in excitement and Luna copies making me laugh too.

After Luna dragged Heather to slide, the roundabout and the sea saw she came running in to my arms as I stood watching from the side. "I'm tired" She groans throwing her arms up, I pick her up and she lays her head on my shoulder.

I see Heather awe at Luna, who knew women found this attractive.

"That was so fun" Heather says taking her bag off me. "Thanks for playing with her, I hate that slide" I joke walking out the park.

"Probably because your a giant" She nudges my elbow. I let out a laugh looking at the goofy face she just pulled.

"She's already fallen asleep" Heather says referring to Luna. "She's so cute" She says pushing Luna's hair out of her face.

"How are you getting home?" I ask her stopping in my tracks, she stops looking up at me. "My car is parked around the corner, do you need a lift?" She pulls her keys out of her bag then tucks her loose hair behind her ear.

"My car is right here" I take my keys unlocking my jeep that was behind her. "Oh okay" she moves to the side letting me put Luna in her seat at the back. I close the door and shove my hands in pockets looking at Heather, I suddenly don't know what to say or how to even breathe.

"So I'll see you around" she nods moving back slightly. "Yeah, thank you" i smiles at her and she shoots one back.

"It's okay, I enjoyed playing with Luna, she really is amazing" she laughs a little. "She is huh" I bite the inside of cheek, a nervous habit.

"So I'm gonna go now, bye Shawn" she turns to walk away but I can't let her just leave like that.

I grab her upper arm twirling her around in to a hug. "Oh" She lets out hugging me back.

"Bye Shawn" her lips form a smile that make my heart flutter. "Bye Heather" I give her a small wave and get in my car taking deep breathes, probably looking like an idiot as I smile to myself.

I check the rear view mirror and see her turning around for a second then she disappears around the corner.

Heather, such a beautiful name and a gorgeous girl. Maybe it's time I let someone in.

Trust In Me: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now