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I completely ruined her special place.
Shawn Mendes

"Mummy!" Luna points as Heather walks away. "Heather right?" Dana asks.

I hum a yes sitting down just as I see her walk away. "Fuck" I curse under my breath, I put my head in my hands groaning.

"Daddy can we go to mummy?" Luna tugs my hand making me look at her. "Soon darling" I kiss her forehead and she huffs sitting down.

"I take it she doesn't know about today" Dana speaks up. "No and she was never supposed to know, this was supposed to be a quick thing" I say sternly and she nods.

"Shawn you kept her in the dark, this probably looked so wrong to her"

"And why do you care?" I snack my hand against the table making her jump. "Because Shawn, I'm about to get married, move to a different country, I will probably never see you again intentionally and never plan too. I told you my partner, Jamie wanted me to meet her and you so I could move on and that's what I did. I love him so I told him everything and accepted it where as you kept it from her, I've never met her but I pity her in this moment"

Everything she said was true, why did I keep Heather in the dark? What was I so afraid of?

"Dana I've messed up twice now, I accused her of cheating and she took me back the next day. She sees the good people and I love that about her but what if she doesn't forgive me for this?" I shrug taking my water.

"You have to see it from her side, from her eyes this probably looked so wrong, her heart must be breaking but if she loves you she'll listen when you tell her the truth" Dana sends me a small smile then picks up her bag.

She goes over to Luna kissing her on the forehead the she stands in front of me.

"I wish you well Shawn, I truly do and I'm still sorry for what I did expect I'm not, you did amazing raising Luna and Luna will grow up to be the perfect with Heather by her side too. So go get her back" with that she walks away.

God why did she have to be so nice and right? I wanted to hate her but I couldn't, she simply told me the truth and now I have to fix this with Heather.

"Come on baby girl" I take Luna in my arms. I pay the bill and walk up to car putting Luna in. Before heading to heathers I dropped Luna off at mums briefly explaining what happened she told me to fix things with Heather and that she deserves the truth.

I'm now at her door step, so scared to knock and face her. I have no idea what she'll do or say or how she'll react and it scares the shit out of me knowing I could loose her. I bravely knock twice then step back.

After a minute or so Spence comes in view.

"You piece of shit" He raises his hands pushing me back. "How dare you?" He pushes me backs and I stumble on to the grass. "You fucking made her cry again!" He shouts.

I made her cry.

He punches me square in the jaw and I fall back loosing my grip, my cheek coming in contact with a rock. "Shit" I groan putting my hand up against my cheek.

"Spence what did you do?" I hear heathers gentle voice. "Oh my god" I hear her getting closer and soon she's kneeling in front of me.

She lifts my head gently putting it up on her knee. "Spence get here now" she shouts.

"Bring him inside" she tells him and moves away from me. Spence helps me up taking me inside to her kitchen. I sit up on the counter and she walks in with her first aid kit and Spence gives her a nod then walks out.

It was so silent, she walks up to me going between my legs. Taking out a cotton pad and some liquid. She presses it against my cheek and forehead.

"Heather I-"

"Shut up" she mumbles placing a hand on my cheek turning me the other way. I watch as she cleans my face. How could she do this despite what she saw, what I did.

I focus on her eyes and see them becoming watery. A tear rolls down her rosy cheeks but she ignores it keeping her focus on me.

I put my hands on her waist hesitantly and she lets me or maybe she doesn't care. She takes my hands moving them away then she steps back.

"You can sleep in the guest room" she tells me then walks away. I hear her let out a sob as soon as she walks out and I feel my heart literally stop. I hear Spence hush her and mumble a few words then he walks in and sits opposite me

"Did you take that girl to that restaurant?" He asks me. I nod hesitantly "but it seriously is not what it look likes".

He shakes his head like he didn't care. "just don't tell her you took her to Diempo" he says.

"Why does the restaurant even matter?" I shrug. "Because dumb ass that's her favourite restaurant. When she got her degree she took her dad there to tell him the news, she got the news she was head doctor there, when I met her she took me there and the same with Ness and Paige, when she got her first house and car  she took us there to celebrate and it reminds her of her mum. So it's her thing, that's her special place. She even took you there. So please tell her that you didn't decide to take that woman there, it'll ruin her special place"

I nod slowly, I completely ruined her special place.

"I won't tell her but Spence-"

"I'm not interested in what you did, that's between you and her. Now excuse me I'm going to sleep" He hops off the counter and leaves me with my thoughts.

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